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#  International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1963-1965
#   Ostracod species recorded from the northern Indian Ocean
#          North of 10 degrees S.
#   Population represented as number per standard haul
#   Standard Haul is defined as an Indian Ocean Standard net collection of
#      zooplankton in the water column under 1 m2, sampling the upper 200m
#      in deeper water and the entire water column where the sounding is less than
#      200m.
#    Vijaya Nair, PI
station  lat       lon       date_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  zooplankton_vol  total_organisms  reference  
5251     13.20     50.32     8/3/1964    2028        N               3600     47.50            55346            661        
5262A    12.60     58.25     13/3/1964   2135        N               5698     42.50            33076            662        
5265A    9.65      57.95     15/3/1964   0112        N               2862     14.50            11060            664        
5267B    6.73      57.98     15/3/1964   2250        N               3841     8.00             8796             667        
5269A    3.98      57.98     16/3/1964   2227        N               4711     8.00             13667            668        
5371A    8.52      67.45     5/5/1964    1405        D               4500     7.70             5466             713        
5380C    10.05     70.62     14/5/1964   1652        D               5380     6.50             10676            717        
5381B    9.95      74.45     19/5/1964   2255        N               2491     11.00            21776            719        
5383A    9.97      67.53     21/5/1964   2055        N               4457     5.70             10877            720        
5386     12.03     62.98     23/5/1964   1220        D               4274     11.00            10295            723        
5387     12.70     61.77     23/5/1964   2326        N               5252     11.00            13498            724        
5389B    14.22     59.45     24/5/1964   2030        N               4236     10.90            22041            726        
5400A    14.02     56.50     28/5/1964   0856        D               2700     7.70             9757             727        
5402A    11.15     56.50     29/5/1964   1139        D               4676     12.50            8580             729        
5404     8.33      57.98     30/5/1964   1022        D               3100     11.00            10063            731        
5406A    6.00      57.95     31/5/1964   1024        D               3797     33               15842            732        
5552     8.63      50.57     18/8/1964   0020        N               1176     62.50            94427            814        
5555     10.78     51.47     19/8/1964   0150        N               172      42.50            5531             815        
5559     11.42     52.70     19/8/1964   2000        N               772      24.50            32603            817        
5561     11.63     52.95     20/8/1964   0307        N               291      55               163146           818        
5565     11.62     51.57     21/8/1964   0227        N               88       23.00            42625            820        
5566     13.20     50.32     28/8/1964   0003        N               2489     10.50            14636            821