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#  International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1962-1965
#   Populations for remaining taxa of zooplankton found in the
#     IOEE collections
#   Populations represented as number per standard haul
#    Vijaya Nair, PI
#   Standard Haul is Ocean Stan an Indian Ocean Standard net collection of
#      zooplankton in der 1 m2, samumn under 1 m2, sampling the upper 200m
#      in deeper water and the entire water column where the sounding is less than
#      200m.
#    Changed Diamantina,1965, from 12/1/1965 to 12/5/1965.  dd/m/yyyy.  mda 20 April 2015
station  lat     lon       date_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  zooplankton_vol  reference  
1        -32.00  110.50    18/4/1965   0620        N               5000     5.50             601        
3        -29.42  109.48    18/4/1965   2100        N               5000     5.00             602        
5        -26.05  106.90    19/4/1965   2135        N               5000     7.50             603        
7        -22.63  104.40    20/4/1965   2305        N               3800     7.50             604        
9        -19.10  101.87    21/4/1965   2335        N               6000     15.00            605        
11       -16.57  100.12    22/4/1965   1925        N               5800     15.00            606        
14       -12.68  97.42     23/4/1965   2355        N               5000     12.50            607        
17       -9.87   94.88     26/4/1965   2105        N               5000     10.50            608        
21       -7.08   92.27     27/4/1965   2230        N               5000     7.50             609        
29       -1.72   87.38     29/4/1965   2110        N               4000     7.50             610        
33       0.90    84.28     30/4/1965   2235        N               4000     4.50             611        
37       3.08    82.75     1/5/1965    2105        N               4000     131.20           612        
41       6.70    77.72     6/5/1965    2240        N               500      173.20           613        
45       4.37    76.22     7/5/1965    2110        N               3000     6.50             614        
53       -1.55   76.05     9/5/1965    2110        N               4500     11.20            616        
56       -5.33   76.00     10/5/1965   2240        N               5000     8.70             617        
60       -8.50   76.00     11/5/1965   2120        N               5000     4                618        
64       -11.73  75.77     12/5/1965   2235        N               5000     6.00             619