/globec/nep/cgoa/ltop/calvet_ak_ltop --cruise_id eq hx223-- Level 1

      Directory  DocumentationPlotting and Other Operations...

        Level 0 Level 2 (of 3)      Flat list

#  CalVET data, 1997 - 2004
#  zooplankton species abundance and biomass, updated July 2008
#  all datT tows, 25.4 cm ring dALVET tows, 25.4 cm ring diameter, vertical hauls.
#  PI: Ken Coyle
cruise_id  year  
hx223      1999  
station_name  station  yrday_local  month_local  day_local  time_local  lat      lon        depth_w  depth_cast  vol_filt  
GAK13         3        239.4896     8            27         1145        58.1017  -147.8210  2312     100         21.93     
GAK12         5        239.5979     8            27         1421        58.2435  -147.9367  2161     100         20.95     
GAK11         6        239.6986     8            27         1646        58.3890  -148.0747  1429     100         12.45     
GAK10         8        239.8049     8            27         1919        58.5415  -148.2117  1455     100         11.92     
GAK9          10       240.3021     8            28         0715        58.6713  -148.3280  280      100         13.69     
GAK8          13       240.4014     8            28         0938        58.7922  -148.4896  287      100         12.29     
GAK7          14       240.4833     8            28         1136        58.9710  -148.6343  241      100         10.60     
GAK6          16       240.5465     8            28         1307        59.1167  -148.7737  151      100         9.98      
GAK5          18       240.6160     8            28         1447        59.2618  -148.9100  170      100         9.77      
GAK4          21       240.6958     8            28         1642        59.4009  -149.0501  201      100         11.46     
GAK3          23       240.7708     8            28         1830        59.5528  -149.1880  214      100         11.52     
GAK2          26       240.8368     8            28         2005        59.6915  -149.3257  225      100         10.81     
GAK1          28       240.9236     8            28         2210        59.8322  -149.4695  269      100         12.23