/OCB/EDDIES/WB0413/pigments ---- Level 1

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        Level 0 - At last level -       Flat list

#  version  01 June 2007
#  PI:       Nick Bates (Bermuda Biological Station for Research)
#  dataset:  pigments; chlorophyll and phaeophytin
Cruise_ID  event         sta  date      time_start  time_end  lat      lon       lat_end  lon_end   staName  sta_ref  comments  
WB0413     200408041405  6    20040804  1405        1502      30.6786  -65.7515  30.6920  -65.7341  nd       nd       nd        
depth_n  chl_a_mg_m3  phaeo      phaeo_mg_l    
1        0.003692     0.008668   8.66838E-06   
40       0.042720     -0.025488  -2.5488E-05   
60       0.008713     -0.008586  -8.5865E-06   
Cruise_ID  event         sta  date      time_start  time_end  lat      lon       lat_end  lon_end   staName  sta_ref  comments  
WB0413     200408101636  24   20040810  1636        1724      31.2973  -65.7843  31.3037  -65.7805  nd       nd       nd        
depth_n  chl_a_mg_m3  phaeo      phaeo_mg_l    
1        0.077846     0.017788   1.77884E-05   
20       0.087761     0.015632   1.56321E-05   
40       0.133540     0.035534   3.55337E-05   
60       0.170881     0.112413   0.000112413