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#  version  23 October 2007
#  PI: Dennis McGillicuddy and Beatriz Mourino-Carballido 
#  EDDIES 2004 OC404 cruise data
#  Oxygen evolution experiment replicates for 
#  estimation of community production and respiration rates
Cruise_ID  sta  ev_type  event         date      time  lon      lat     locRef  
OC404-1    6    CTD_06   200406151914  20040615  1914  -63.472  32.660  A1      
OC404-1    15   CTD_15   200406190603  20040619  0603  -59.607  31.178  C2      
OC404-1    20   CTD_20   200406220133  20040622  0133  -64.920  30.498  C1      
OC404-1    63   CTD_63   200407020305  20040702  0305  -65.340  30.859  C1      
OC404-1    65   CTD_65   200407030644  20040703  0644  -64.165  31.635  BATS