lat |
Latitude, negative = South.
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude, negative = West.
decimal degrees |
lon |
timediff |
Number of hours added to local time to convert to GMT (e.g. +8)
hours |
time_diff |
depth_w |
Depth of water.
meters |
depth_w |
depth |
Depth of sample.
meters |
depth |
day_local |
Day of month, local time (e.g. 01 to 31).
N/A |
day_local |
month_local |
Month of year, local time (e.g. 01 to 12).
N/A |
month_local |
time_local |
Time of day, local time, using 2400 clock format (e.g. 1410 = 2:10 PM).
N/A |
time_local |
se_flag |
Sampling operation start (s) or end (e) flag.
N/A |
se_flag |
cruiseid |
Cruise identifier, e.g. NH0007 = R/V New Horizon cruise number 0007.
N/A |
cruiseid |
year |
Year, e.g. 2001.
N/A |
year |
si |
Scientific investigator's name.
N/A |
recorder |
platform |
Name of the ship, mooring, or fixed location (e.g. New Horizon)
N/A |
platform |
region |
Geographical area of sampling.
N/A |
region |
day_gmt |
Day of month, GMT time (e.g. 01 to 31).
N/A |
day_gmt |
event |
Identifying number of the event or sampling operation; first two letters usually represent the name of the ship (e.g. WE09402.03 = R/V Wecoma event 09402.03).
N/A |
event |
month_gmt |
Month of year, GMT time (e.g. 01 to 12).
N/A |
month_gmt |
inst |
Instrument used to collect data, see: instrument list
N/A |
instrument |
time_gmt |
Time of day, GMT, 2400 clock format (e.g. 2210 = 10:10 PM).
N/A |
time_gmt |
cast |
Cast number.
N/A |
cast |
comments |
Free text comments.
N/A |
comment |
station |
Consecutive station number.
N/A |
station |
haul |
Haul number.
N/A |
haul_id |
station_std |
Standard broad-scale station number.
N/A |
station_std |
station_alt |
AFSC/FOCI (Alaska Fisheries Science Center/FOCI) station number; identifies both instrument and cast.
N/A |
sta |