/globec/nep/eventlogs_timediff --cruiseid eq HX215-- Level 1

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# Event log file
# In some event logs, region information is stored in the comments field.
# Edited June 20, 1997 rcg  Increase width of station field by 2
# Edited December 19, 1997 rcg Access next level via object name
# Edited January 14, 1998 rcg Access next level via method and file object spec
#   Recreated February 2012 to put timediff ('timezone') in every record
#  HX215 Event Log.  Prepared/edited by Seth Danielson
#  GLOBEC Cruise HX215 - October 2-9, 1998
#   Chief Scientist: Seth Danielson
#      IMS/Univ. Alaska Fairbanks
#          Faiity of Alaska
#      PO BOX 757220
#  Phone: 907-474 AK 99775-7220
#      seth@ims.uaf.edu830
#      Email: rom/rems.uaf.edu
#  depart fd, AK
#  Parti Sewar,  AK
#  Participants:
#    Boldt(co-Chifer
#    Coyle, Ken zie-Chief Scientist)
#    McKenoie, Amy
#    Okknhuk, Alexei
#   Pincuh, Alexei
#    SStockwell, Deai
#    SChange Historn
#    Williams, John
#   06/01/2006 - h  ormatted for  hpb:ferving
#  Added  siff to everyed timed 11/18/11 - drecord 11/18/11 - dld
cruiseid    year  platform        
HX215       1998  Alpha_Helix     
event           inst                      cast    station        station_std  day_local  month_local  time_local  se_flag  timediff  lat        lon          depth_w  depth    si                         region                        day_gmt  month_gmt  time_gmt  haul     station_alt   comments  
HX21598275.01   CTD                       1       1              RES2.5       02         10           1034        S        +8        60.0211    -149.3614    297      nd       Weingartner                nd                            2        10         1834      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.01   HTI                       1       2              GAK10        02         10           2017        S        +8        58.5420    -148.2120    1471     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         417       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.02   HTI                       1       3              GAK11        02         10           2200        E        +8        58.3880    -148.0710    1416     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         600       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.03   GillNet                   1       3              GAK11        02         10           2214        S        +8        58.3810    -148.0633    nd       nd       Boldt                      nd                            3        10         614       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.04   MOC                       1       3              GAK11        02         10           2355        S        +8        58.3998    -148.0766    1428     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         755       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.05   MOC                       1       3              GAK11        03         10           0020        E        +8        58.4132    -148.0867    1428     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         820       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.06   GillNet                   1       3              GAK11        03         10           0105        E        +8        58.3903    -148.0383    nd       nd       Boldt                      nd                            3        10         905       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.07   HTI                       2       3              GAK11        03         10           0205        S        +8        58.3880    -148.0680    1416     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         1005      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.08   HTI                       2       4              GAK12        03         10           0344        E        +8        58.2440    -147.9340    1502     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         1144      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.09   GillNet                   2       4              GAK12        03         10           0406        S        +8        58.2333    -147.9288    nd       nd       Boldt                      nd                            3        10         1206      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.10   MOC                       2       4              GAK12        03         10           0418        S        +8        58.2289    -147.9252    2190     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         1218      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.11   MOC                       2       4              GAK12        03         10           0443        E        +8        58.2184    -147.9157    2190     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         1243      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.12   GillNet                   2       4              GAK12        03         10           0544        E        +8        58.2400    -147.9373    nd       nd       Boldt                      nd                            3        10         1344      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.13   HTI                       3       4              GAK12        03         10           0604        S        +8        58.2430    -147.9320    1502     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         1404      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.14   HTI                       3       5              GAK13        03         10           0747        E        +8        58.0990    -147.7940    2500     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         1547      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.15   CTD                       2       5              GAK13        03         10           0802        S        +8        58.0983    -147.7963    2500     nd       Weingartner                nd                            3        10         1602      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.16   CalVet                    1       5              GAK13        03         10           0911        S        +8        58.0983    -147.7958    2018     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         1711      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.17   CTD                       3       5              GAK13        03         10           0928        S        +8        58.0994    -147.8135    2018     nd       Weingartner                nd                            3        10         1728      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.18   CTD                       4       6              GAK12        03         10           1046        S        +8        58.2419    -147.9356    2000     nd       Weingartner                nd                            3        10         1846      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.19   CalVet                    2       6              GAK12        03         10           1147        S        +8        58.2422    -147.9342    2107     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         1947      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.20   CTD                       5       7              GAK11        03         10           1258        S        +8        58.3894    -148.0713    1500     nd       Weingartner                nd                            3        10         2058      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.21   CalVet                    3       7              GAK11        03         10           1356        S        +8        58.3917    -148.0717    1408     nd       Coyle                      nd                            3        10         2156      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.22   CTD                       6       7              GAK11        03         10           1407        S        +8        58.3972    -148.0000    1425     nd       Weingartner                nd                            3        10         2207      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598276.23   CTD                       7       8              GAK10        03         10           1518        S        +8        58.5422    -148.2097    1500     nd       Weingartner                nd                            3        10         2318      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598277.01   CalVet                    4       8              GAK10        03         10           1618        S        +8        58.5420    -148.2100    1425     nd       Coyle                      nd                            4        10         18        nd       nd            nd        
HX21598277.02   GillNet                   3       9              GAK13        03         10           1925        S        +8        58.0992    -147.7928    nd       nd       Boldt                      nd                            4        10         325       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598277.03   MOC                       3       9              GAK13        03         10           2012        S        +8        58.1095    -147.7917    2090     nd       Coyle                      nd                            4        10         412       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598277.04   MOC                       3       9              GAK13        03         10           2036        E        +8        58.1090    -147.7731    2095     nd       Coyle                      nd                            4        10         436       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598277.05   GillNet                   3       9              GAK13        03         10           2121        E        +8        nd         nd           nd       nd       Boldt                      nd                            4        10         521       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598277.06   MOC                       4       10             GAK10        04         10           0048        S        +8        58.5423    -148.2118    1465     nd       Coyle                      nd                            4        10         848       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598277.07   MOC                       4       10             GAK10        04         10           0113        E        +8        58.5464    -148.1932    1465     nd       Coyle                      nd                            4        10         913       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.01   CTD                       10      11             GAK1         04         10           2234        S        +8        59.8445    -149.4673    273      nd       Weingartner                nd                            5        10         634       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.02   GillNet                   4       11             GAK1         04         10           2304        S        +8        59.8390    -149.4870    273      nd       Boldt                      nd                            5        10         704       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.03   MOC                       5       11             GAK1         04         10           2346        S        +8        59.8515    -149.4745    273      nd       Coyle                      nd                            5        10         746       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.04   MOC                       5       11             GAK1         05         10           0012        E        +8        59.8612    -149.4921    273      nd       Coyle                      nd                            5        10         812       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.05   GillNet                   4       11             GAK1         05         10           0134        E        +8        59.8197    -149.5123    nd       nd       Boldt                      nd                            5        10         934       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.06   HTI                       4       11             GAK1         05         10           0159        S        +8        59.8450    -149.4680    267      nd       Coyle                      nd                            5        10         959       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.07   HTI                       4       12             GAK2         05         10           0343        E        +8        59.6920    -149.3270    225      nd       Coyle                      nd                            5        10         1143      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.08   MOC                       6       12             GAK2         05         10           0356        S        +8        59.6874    -149.3125    225      nd       Coyle                      nd                            5        10         1156      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.09   MOC                       6       12             GAK2         05         10           0425        E        +8        59.6865    -149.2839    225      nd       Coyle                      nd                            5        10         1225      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.10   HTI                       5       12             GAK2         05         10           0515        S        +8        59.6910    -149.3290    225      nd       Coyle                      nd                            5        10         1315      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.11   HTI                       5       13             GAK3         05         10           0641        E        +8        59.5540    -149.1890    203      nd       Coyle                      nd                            5        10         1441      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.12   CTD                       11      13             GAK3         05         10           0709        S        +8        59.5527    -149.1897    210      nd       Weingartner                nd                            5        10         1509      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.13   CalVet                    5       13             GAK3         05         10           0730        S        +8        59.5523    -149.1902    210      nd       Coyle                      nd                            5        10         1530      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.14   CTD                       13      14             GAK3I        05         10           0836        S        +8        59.4806    -149.1191    202      nd       Weingartner                nd                            5        10         1636      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.15   CTD                       14      15             GAK4         05         10           0942        S        +8        59.4073    -149.0498    197      nd       Weingartner                nd                            5        10         1742      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.16   CalVet                    6       15             GAK4         05         10           1018        S        +8        59.4087    -149.0488    197      nd       Coyle                      nd                            5        10         1818      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.17   CTD                       15      16             GAK4I        05         10           1106        S        +8        59.3355    -148.9789    197      nd       Weingartner                nd                            5        10         1906      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.18   CTD                       16      17             GAK5         05         10           1209        S        +8        59.2619    -148.9099    171      nd       Weingartner                nd                            5        10         2009      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.19   CalVet                    7       17             GAK5         05         10           1226        S        +8        59.2618    -148.9098    170      nd       Coyle                      nd                            5        10         2026      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.20   CTD                       17      17             GAK5         05         10           1239        S        +8        59.2603    -148.9254    174      nd       Weingartner                nd                            5        10         2039      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.21   CTD                       18      18             GAK5I        05         10           1332        S        +8        59.1904    -148.8365    169      nd       Weingartner                nd                            5        10         2132      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.22   CTD                       19      19             GAK6         05         10           1431        S        +8        59.1169    -148.7680    151      nd       Weingartner                nd                            5        10         2231      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598278.23   CalVet                    8       19             GAK6         05         10           1448        S        +8        59.1172    -148.7682    153      nd       Coyle                      nd                            5        10         2248      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.01   CTD                       20      20             GAK7         05         10           1600        S        +8        58.9715    -148.6292    247      nd       Weingartner                nd                            6        10         0         nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.02   CalVet                    9       20             GAK7         05         10           1619        S        +8        58.9715    -148.6295    245      nd       Coyle                      nd                            6        10         19        nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.03   CTD                       21      20             GAK7         05         10           1630        S        +8        58.9679    -148.6263    245      nd       Weingartner                nd                            6        10         30        nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.04   MOC                       7       21             GAK10        06         10           0408        S        +8        58.5457    -148.2003    1465     nd       Coyle                      nd                            6        10         1208      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.05   MOC                       7       21             GAK10        06         10           0436        E        +8        58.5570    -148.1679    1465     nd       Coyle                      nd                            6        10         1236      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.06   HTI                       6       21             GAK10        06         10           0517        S        +8        58.5420    -148.2110    1471     nd       Coyle                      nd                            6        10         1317      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.07   HTI                       6       22             GAK9         06         10           0703        E        +8        58.6790    -148.3500    270      nd       Coyle                      nd                            6        10         1503      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.08   MOC                       8       22             GAK9         06         10           0711        S        +8        58.6809    -148.3463    277      nd       Coyle                      nd                            6        10         1511      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.09   MOC                       8       22             GAK9         06         10           0740        E        +8        58.6829    -148.3067    277      nd       Coyle                      nd                            6        10         1540      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.10   CTD                       22      23             GAK8         06         10           0910        S        +8        58.7892    -148.4920    286      nd       Weingartner                nd                            6        10         1710      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.11   CalVet                    10      23             GAK8         06         10           0934        S        +8        58.7900    -148.4913    286      nd       Coyle                      nd                            6        10         1734      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.12   CTD                       24      24             GAK8I        06         10           1011        S        +8        58.7433    -148.4210    287      nd       Weingartner                nd                            6        10         1811      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.13   CTD                       25      25             GAK9         06         10           1103        S        +8        58.6783    -148.3535    280      nd       Weingartner                nd                            6        10         1903      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.14   CalVet                    11      25             GAK9         06         10           1126        S        +8        58.6802    -148.3487    280      nd       Coyle                      nd                            6        10         1926      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.15   CTD                       26      25             GAK9         06         10           1139        S        +8        58.6739    -148.3625    280      nd       Weingartner                nd                            6        10         1939      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598279.16   CTD                       27      26             GAK9I        06         10           1224        S        +8        58.6282    -148.2841    600      nd       Weingartner                nd                            6        10         2024      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.01   GillNet                   5       27             GAK8         06         10           2021        S        +8        58.7867    -148.4933    280      nd       Boldt                      nd                            7        10         421       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.02   HTI                       7       28             GAK9         06         10           2034        S        +8        58.6800    -148.3510    270      nd       Coyle                      nd                            7        10         434       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.03   HTI                       7       29             GAK8         06         10           2208        E        +8        58.7910    -148.4890    273      nd       Coyle                      nd                            7        10         608       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.04   MOC                       9       29             GAK8         06         10           2246        S        +8        58.7914    -148.4781    292      nd       Coyle                      nd                            7        10         646       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.05   MOC                       9       29             GAK8         06         10           2310        E        +8        58.7942    -148.4651    292      nd       Coyle                      nd                            7        10         710       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.06   GillNet                   5       29             GAK8         06         10           2344        E        +8        58.7640    -148.5203    nd       nd       Boldt                      nd                            7        10         744       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.07   HTI                       8       29             GAK8         07         10           0035        S        +8        58.7920    -148.4920    273      nd       Coyle                      nd                            7        10         835       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.08   HTI                       8       30             GAK7         07         10           0228        E        +8        58.9710    -148.6300    243      nd       Coyle                      nd                            7        10         1028      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.09   MOC                       10      30             GAK7         07         10           0234        S        +8        58.9761    -148.6321    244      nd       Coyle                      nd                            7        10         1034      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.10   MOC                       10      30             GAK7         07         10           0256        E        +8        58.9900    -148.6359    244      nd       Coyle                      nd                            7        10         1056      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.11   HTI                       9       30             GAK7         07         10           0330        S        +8        58.9720    -148.6310    243      nd       Coyle                      nd                            7        10         1130      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.12   HTI                       9       31             GAK6         07         10           0512        E        +8        59.1160    -148.7700    148      nd       Coyle                      nd                            7        10         1312      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.13   GillNet                   6       31             GAK6         07         10           0529        S        +8        59.1122    -148.7717    150      nd       Boldt                      nd                            7        10         1329      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.14   MOC                       11      31             GAK6         07         10           0549        S        +8        59.1195    -148.7708    150      nd       Coyle                      nd                            7        10         1349      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.15   MOC                       11      31             GAK6         07         10           0613        E        +8        59.1327    -148.7634    150      nd       Coyle                      nd                            7        10         1413      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.16   GillNet                   6       31             GAK6         07         10           0716        E        +8        59.1085    -148.7585    154      nd       Boldt                      nd                            7        10         1516      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.17   CTD                       28      32             CF15         07         10           0936        S        +8        59.4497    -148.8686    184      nd       Weingartner                nd                            7        10         1736      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.18   CTD                       29      33             CF14         07         10           1019        S        +8        59.4828    -148.8762    168      nd       Weingartner                nd                            7        10         1819      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.19   CTD                       30      34             CF13         07         10           1048        S        +8        59.5167    -148.8713    172      nd       Weingartner                nd                            7        10         1848      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.20   CTD                       31      35             CF12         07         10           1122        S        +8        59.5501    -148.8698    185      nd       Weingartner                nd                            7        10         1922      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.21   CTD                       32      36             CF11         07         10           1150        S        +8        59.5836    -148.8695    176      nd       Weingartner                nd                            7        10         1950      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.22   CTD                       33      37             CF10         07         10           1225        S        +8        59.6168    -148.8704    177      nd       Weingartner                nd                            7        10         2025      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.23   CTD                       34      38             CF9          07         10           1255        S        +8        59.6515    -148.8678    179      nd       Weingartner                nd                            7        10         2055      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.24   CTD                       35      39             CF8          07         10           1325        S        +8        59.6826    -148.8681    180      nd       Weingartner                nd                            7        10         2125      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.25   CTD                       36      40             CF7          07         10           1355        S        +8        59.7153    -148.8677    182      nd       Weingartner                nd                            7        10         2155      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.26   CTD                       37      41             CF6          07         10           1430        S        +8        59.7493    -148.8659    190      nd       Weingartner                nd                            7        10         2230      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.27   CTD                       38      42             CF5          07         10           1503        S        +8        59.7827    -148.8663    194      nd       Weingartner                nd                            7        10         2303      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598280.28   CTD                       39      43             CF4          07         10           1537        S        +8        59.8162    -148.8679    184      nd       Weingartner                nd                            7        10         2337      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.01   CTD                       40      44             CF3          07         10           1605        S        +8        59.8496    -148.8708    159      nd       Weingartner                nd                            8        10         5         nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.02   CTD                       41      45             CF2          07         10           1636        S        +8        59.8819    -148.8695    108      nd       Weingartner                nd                            8        10         36        nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.03   CTD                       42      46             CF1          07         10           1659        S        +8        59.9084    -148.8697    86       nd       Weingartner                nd                            8        10         59        nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.04   GillNet                   7       47             GAK3         07         10           1938        S        +8        59.5450    -149.1990    215      nd       Boldt                      nd                            8        10         338       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.05   MOC                       12      47             GAK3         07         10           2013        S        +8        59.5436    -149.1928    213      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         413       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.06   MOC                       12      47             GAK3         07         10           2043        E        +8        59.5503    -149.2211    213      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         443       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.07   GillNet                   7       47             GAK3         07         10           2150        E        +8        59.5082    -149.2897    227      nd       Boldt                      nd                            8        10         550       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.08   HTI                       10      47             GAK3         07         10           2233        S        +8        59.5530    -149.1900    203      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         633       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.09   HTI                       10      48             GAK4         08         10           0014        E        +8        59.4080    -149.0500    186      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         814       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.10   MOC                       13      48             GAK4         08         10           0021        S        +8        59.4084    -149.0484    204      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         821       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.11   MOC                       13      48             GAK4         08         10           0050        E        +8        59.4188    -149.0544    204      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         850       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.12   HTI                       11      48             GAK4         08         10           0112        S        +8        59.4080    -149.0480    186      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         912       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.13   HTI                       11      49             GAK5         08         10           0309        E        +8        59.2620    -148.9090    167      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         1109      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.14   GillNet                   8       49             GAK5         08         10           0408        S        +8        59.2997    -148.8908    162      nd       Boldt                      nd                            8        10         1208      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.15   MOC                       14      49             GAK5         08         10           0317        S        +8        59.2650    -148.9043    168      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         1117      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.16   MOC                       14      49             GAK5         08         10           0346        E        +8        59.2820    -148.8987    168      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         1146      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.17   HTI                       12      49             GAK5         08         10           0442        S        +8        59.2610    -148.9070    64       nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         1242      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.18   HTI                       12      50             GAK6         08         10           0630        E        +8        59.1170    -148.7700    148      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         1430      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.19   GillNet                   8       51             GAK5         08         10           0847        E        +8        59.3413    -148.8495    161      nd       Boldt                      nd                            8        10         1647      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.20   CTD                       43      52             GAK1         08         10           1233        S        +8        59.8470    -149.4674    272      nd       Weingartner                nd                            8        10         2033      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.21   CalVet                    12      52             GAK1         08         10           1258        S        +8        59.8470    -149.4673    273      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         2058      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.22   CTD                       44      52             GAK1         08         10           1308        S        +8        59.8375    -149.4742    272      nd       Weingartner                nd                            8        10         2108      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.23   CTD                       45      53             GAK1I        08         10           1349        S        +8        59.7658    -149.3980    260      nd       Weingartner                nd                            8        10         2149      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.24   CTD                       46      54             GAK2         08         10           1438        S        +8        59.6898    -149.3289    228      nd       Weingartner                nd                            8        10         2238      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.25   CalVet                    13      54             GAK2         08         10           1455        S        +8        59.6900    -149.3282    229      nd       Coyle                      nd                            8        10         2255      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598281.26   CTD                       47      55             GAK2I        08         10           1528        S        +8        59.6244    -149.2617    215      nd       Weingartner                nd                            8        10         2328      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598282.01   CTD                       48      56             GAK3         08         10           1615        S        +8        59.5513    -149.1906    215      nd       Weingartner                nd                            9        10         15        nd       nd            nd        
HX21598282.02   CTD                       49      57             GAK3I        08         10           1658        S        +8        59.4782    -149.1251    207      nd       Weingartner                nd                            9        10         58        nd       nd            nd        
HX21598282.03   CTD                       50      58             GAK4         08         10           1741        S        +8        59.4070    -149.0487    201      nd       Weingartner                nd                            9        10         141       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598282.04   GillNet                   9       58             GAK4         08         10           1753        S        +8        59.4060    -149.0503    201      nd       Boldt                      nd                            9        10         153       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598282.05   CTD                       51      59             GAK4I        08         10           1836        S        +8        59.3363    -148.9770    195      nd       Weingartner                nd                            9        10         236       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598282.06   CTD                       52      60             GAK5         08         10           1920        S        +8        59.2629    -148.9056    165      nd       Weingartner                nd                            9        10         320       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598282.07   CTD                       53      61             GAK5I        08         10           2002        S        +8        59.1907    -148.8360    164      nd       Weingartner                nd                            9        10         402       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598282.08   GillNet                   9       62             GAK4         08         10           2147        E        +8        59.3855    -149.0425    199      nd       Boldt                      nd                            9        10         547       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598282.09   GillNet                   10      63             GAK2         09         10           0031        S        +8        59.6907    -149.3285    228      nd       Boldt                      nd                            9        10         831       nd       nd            nd        
HX21598282.10   GillNet                   10      63             GAK2         09         10           0257        E        +8        59.6530    -149.3495    219      nd       Boldt                      nd                            9        10         1057      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598282.11   CTD                       54      64             GAK1         09         10           0548        S        +8        59.8447    -149.4683    274      nd       Weingartner                nd                            9        10         1348      nd       nd            nd        
HX21598282.12   CTD                       55      65             RES2.5       09         10           0714        S        +8        60.0256    -149.3596    294      nd       Weingartner                nd                            9        10         1514      nd       nd            nd