/globec/nep/eventlogs_timediff --cruiseid eq PA0101-- Level 1

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# Event log file
# In some event logs, region information is stored in the comments field.
# Edited June 20, 1997 rcg  Increase width of station field by 2
# Edited December 19, 1997 rcg Access next level via object name
# Edited January 14, 1998 rcg Access next level via method and file object spec
#   Recreated February 2012 to put timediff ('timezone') in every record
#    PA0101 event log.  Prepared by Jennifer Boldt
#    Juneau Center School of Fishery Ocean Sciences
#    (Phone: (907) 465-6441; Email: fsjlb3@uaf.edu)
#    GLOBEC Cruise
#    R/V Pandalus - 7-15 July 2001
#    Chief Scientist: Lew Haldorson
#    Juneau Center School of Fnces
#    depart ieard, AK
#    formfrom/return to Sewg, hpb 12/11/2matted for jg servin1 - cast now ba01
#       12/12/200 original ca back to original cast number
#        (hpb)  - created haul field which is sequential w/in instr
#  Instruments
#    Trawl - Surface Rope Trawl; 198-m long; 25-m wide; 35-m deep
#       1.2 cm mesh liner in cod en;u  3lly towedd  30 minutes at
#       surface
#    Gillnet - floating gillnet; 200-m long; 3-m deep; comprised of
#       four 50-m panels with mesh.0izes 0.75, 1.0, 1.25 and 1.5"
#       stretched; usually connect 2 or 3 nets together for one set
#       and soak for 2-3 hours
#    Tucker - NIO/Tucker Trawl; 1-m2 mouth opening; 0.505-mm mesh;
#       equipped witat lowmeter; towed 5 minutes at surface
#    CTD - Seabird Seacat SBE-19, with pump and Wetlabs Fluorometer;
#       Lowered to 100-m depth at all fish stations
#  Added timediff to every record 1/24/12 - dld
cruiseid    year  platform        
PA0101      2001  Pandalus        
event           inst                      cast    station        station_std  day_local  month_local  time_local  se_flag  timediff  lat        lon          depth_w  depth    si                         region                        day_gmt  month_gmt  time_gmt  haul     station_alt   comments  
PA01189.01      Trawl                     1       1              GAK1         8          7            752         S        +8        59.8430    -149.4675    272      nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         1552      1        nd            nd        
PA01189.02      Trawl                     1       1              GAK1         8          7            812         E        +8        59.8582    -149.4698    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         1612      1        nd            nd        
PA01189.03      Trawl                     2       1              GAK1         8          7            nd          S        +8        59.8552    -149.4704    266      nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         nd        2        nd            aborted   
PA01189.04      Trawl                     3       1              GAK1         8          7            915         S        +8        59.8435    -149.4792    268      nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         1715      3        nd            100Fa wire out; 0925 put another 25 Fa wire out;  
PA01189.05      Trawl                     3       1              GAK1         8          7            947         E        +8        59.8262    -149.5105    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         1747      3        nd            put 1Fa more out on port side to keep door down; @220deg.T heading; going SW  
PA01189.06      Tucker                    4       1              GAK1         8          7            1021        S        +8        59.8345    -149.4917    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         1821      1        nd            nd        
PA01189.07      Tucker                    4       1              GAK1         8          7            1027        E        +8        59.8310    -149.4971    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         1827      1        nd            nd        
PA01189.08      Tucker                    5       1              GAK1         8          7            1029        S        +8        59.8290    -149.5010    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         1829      2        nd            nd        
PA01189.09      Tucker                    5       1              GAK1         8          7            1035        E        +8        59.8260    -149.5086    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         1835      2        nd            nd        
PA01189.10      Tucker                    6       1              GAK1         8          7            1037        S        +8        59.8250    -149.5113    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         1837      3        nd            nd        
PA01189.11      Tucker                    6       1              GAK1         8          7            1042        E        +8        59.8225    -149.5188    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         1842      3        nd            nd        
PA01189.12      CTD                       7       1              GAK1         8          7            1103        S        +8        59.8335    -149.4994    268      100      nd                         nd                            08       07         1903      1        nd            Cast 00 to 100m depth  
PA01189.13      Trawl                     1       2              GAK2         8          7            1243        S        +8        59.6919    -149.3269    227      nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         2043      4        nd            put out 125 Fa  
PA01189.14      Trawl                     1       2              GAK2         8          7            1314        E        +8        59.6691    -149.3068    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         2114      4        nd            nd        
PA01189.15      Trawl                     2       2              GAK2         8          7            1431        S        +8        59.6858    -149.3264    214      nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         2231      5        nd            put out 125 Fa  
PA01189.16      Trawl                     2       2              GAK2         8          7            1501        E        +8        59.6926    -149.3693    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         2301      5        nd            nd        
PA01189.17      Tucker                    3       2              GAK2         8          7            1528        S        +8        59.6908    -149.3589    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         2328      4        nd            lots of fucus in samples  
PA01189.18      Tucker                    3       2              GAK2         8          7            1534        E        +8        59.6927    -149.3649    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         2334      4        nd            nd        
PA01189.19      Tucker                    4       2              GAK2         8          7            1535        S        +8        59.6937    -149.3683    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         2335      5        nd            lots of fucus in samples  
PA01189.20      Tucker                    4       2              GAK2         8          7            1540        E        +8        59.6959    -149.3752    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         2340      5        nd            nd        
PA01189.21      Tucker                    5       2              GAK2         8          7            1542        S        +8        59.6968    -149.3781    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         2342      6        nd            lots of fucus in samples  
PA01189.22      Tucker                    5       2              GAK2         8          7            1547        E        +8        59.6988    -149.3843    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            08       07         2347      6        nd            nd        
PA01189.23      CTD                       6       2              GAK2         8          7            1603        S        +8        59.6919    -149.3564    243      100      nd                         nd                            09       07         0003      2        nd            cast 01 to 100m  
PA01190.01      Trawl                     1       3              GAK3         9          7            927         S        +8        59.5508    -149.1949    214      nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         1727      6        nd            125 Fa wire out  
PA01190.02      Trawl                     1       3              GAK3         9          7            957         E        +8        59.5637    -149.1519    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         1757      6        nd            nd        
PA01190.03      Tucker                    2       3              GAK3         9          7            1036        S        +8        59.5545    -149.1810    209      nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         1836      7        nd            nd        
PA01190.04      Tucker                    2       3              GAK3         9          7            1041        E        +8        59.5567    -149.1731    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         1841      7        nd            nd        
PA01190.05      Tucker                    3       3              GAK3         9          7            1043        S        +8        59.5581    -149.1689    206      nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         1843      8        nd            nd        
PA01190.06      Tucker                    3       3              GAK3         9          7            1048        E        +8        59.5607    -149.1608    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         1848      8        nd            nd        
PA01190.07      Tucker                    4       3              GAK3         9          7            1050        S        +8        59.5619    -149.1569    203      nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         1850      9        nd            nd        
PA01190.08      Tucker                    4       3              GAK3         9          7            1055        E        +8        59.5643    -149.1485    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         1855      9        nd            nd        
PA01190.09      CTD                       5       3              GAK3         9          7            1059        S        +8        59.5636    -149.1469    201      100      nd                         nd                            09       07         1859      3        nd            nd        
PA01190.10      Trawl                     1       4              GAK4         9          7            1231        S        +8        59.4053    -149.0554    200      nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         2031      7        nd            125 Fa wire out  
PA01190.11      Trawl                     1       4              GAK4         9          7            1258        E        +8        59.4164    -149.0146    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         2058      7        nd            nd        
PA01190.12      Tucker                    2       4              GAK4         9          7            1327        S        +8        59.4081    -149.0439    198      nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         2127      10       nd            nd        
PA01190.13      Tucker                    2       4              GAK4         9          7            1332        E        +8        59.4108    -149.0372    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         2132      10       nd            nd        
PA01190.14      Tucker                    3       4              GAK4         9          7            1334        S        +8        59.4123    -149.0344    197      nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         2134      11       nd            nd        
PA01190.15      Tucker                    3       4              GAK4         9          7            1339        E        +8        59.4153    -149.0285    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         2139      11       nd            nd        
PA01190.16      Tucker                    4       4              GAK4         9          7            1342        S        +8        59.4168    -149.0260    196      nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         2142      12       nd            nd        
PA01190.17      Tucker                    4       4              GAK4         9          7            1345        E        +8        59.4186    -149.0220    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         2145      12       nd            nd        
PA01190.18      CTD                       5       4              GAK4         9          7            1349        S        +8        59.4192    -149.0207    196      100      nd                         nd                            09       07         2149      4        nd            nd        
PA01190.19      Trawl                     1       5              GAK5         9          7            1539        S        +8        59.2525    -148.9297    173      nd       nd                         nd                            09       07         2339      8        nd            nd        
PA01190.20      Trawl                     1       5              GAK5         9          7            1612        E        +8        59.2645    -148.8901    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         0012      8        nd            nd        
PA01190.21      Tucker                    2       5              GAK5         9          7            1643        S        +8        59.2552    -148.9228    174      nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         0043      13       nd            nd        
PA01190.22      Tucker                    2       5              GAK5         9          7            1648        E        +8        59.2583    -148.9165    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         0048      13       nd            nd        
PA01190.23      Tucker                    3       5              GAK5         9          7            1651        S        +8        59.2606    -148.9117    169      nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         0051      14       nd            nd        
PA01190.24      Tucker                    3       5              GAK5         9          7            1656        E        +8        59.2637    -148.9048    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         0056      14       nd            nd        
PA01190.25      Tucker                    4       5              GAK5         9          7            1702        S        +8        59.2676    -148.8963    165      nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         0102      15       nd            nd        
PA01190.26      Tucker                    4       5              GAK5         9          7            1707        E        +8        59.2707    -148.8895    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         0107      15       nd            nd        
PA01190.27      CTD                       5       5              GAK5         9          7            1712        S        +8        59.2725    -148.8874    165      100      nd                         nd                            10       07         0112      5        nd            nd        
PA01191.01      Trawl                     1       6              GAK6         10         7            716         S        +8        59.1160    -148.7822    146      nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         1516      9        nd            125 Fa wire out  
PA01191.02      Trawl                     1       6              GAK6         10         7            745         E        +8        59.1370    -148.7596    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         1545      9        nd            nd        
PA01191.03      Tucker                    2       6              GAK6         10         7            813         S        +8        59.1229    -148.7718    146      nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         1613      16       nd            nd        
PA01191.04      Tucker                    2       6              GAK6         10         7            818         E        +8        59.1269    -148.7678    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         1618      16       nd            nd        
PA01191.05      Tucker                    3       6              GAK6         10         7            820         S        +8        59.1285    -148.7663    144      nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         1620      17       nd            nd        
PA01191.06      Tucker                    3       6              GAK6         10         7            825         E        +8        59.1322    -148.7620    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         1625      17       nd            nd        
PA01191.07      Tucker                    4       6              GAK6         10         7            827         S        +8        59.1336    -148.7608    144      nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         1627      18       nd            nd        
PA01191.08      Tucker                    4       6              GAK6         10         7            832         E        +8        59.1371    -148.7568    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         1632      18       nd            nd        
PA01191.09      CTD                       5       6              GAK6         10         7            835         S        +8        59.1373    -148.7546    146      100      nd                         nd                            10       07         1635      6        nd            nd        
PA01191.10      Trawl                     1       7              GAK5         10         7            1029        S        +8        59.2517    -148.9146    170      nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         1829      10       nd            had to haul back to get bouys untangled--no Pinks -so didn't take zooplankton or CTD--125 Fa wire out  
PA01191.11      Trawl                     1       7              GAK5         10         7            1059        E        +8        59.2428    -148.9534    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         1859      10       nd            nd        
PA01191.12      Trawl                     1       8              GAK4         10         7            1249        S        +8        59.4059    -149.0304    197      nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         2049      11       nd            125 Fa wire out  
PA01191.13      Trawl                     1       8              GAK4         10         7            1319        E        +8        59.4076    -149.0805    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         2119      11       nd            nd        
PA01191.14      Trawl                     1       9              GAK3         10         7            1521        S        +8        59.5548    -149.1607    207      nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         2321      12       nd            nd        
PA01191.15      Trawl                     1       9              GAK3         10         7            1552        E        +8        59.5750    -149.1692    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            10       07         2352      12       nd            nd        
PA01192.01      Trawl                     1       10             PWS2         11         7            855         S        +8        60.0981    -147.8306    256      nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         1655      13       nd            doors riding @ surface & port bouys underwater; so brought back in @ 9a.m. 60.1015N  P104147.8338W  
PA01192.02      Trawl                     1       10             PWS2         11         7            900         E        +8        60.1015    -147.8338    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         1700      13       nd            -net wasn't spreading. -Aborted. -Currents are strong & mixed; so will go to PWS #3 instead.  
PA01192.03      Trawl                     1       11             PWS3         11         7            1034        S        +8        60.0502    -147.6482    149      nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         1834      14       nd            tried putting wing tip bouys closer to wire bridle (further from net) -as seen in R/V Cobb video.  
PA01192.04      Trawl                     1       11             PWS3         11         7            1243        E        +8        60.0471    -147.6775    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         2043      14       nd            nd        
PA01192.05      Tucker                    2       11             PWS3         11         7            1119        S        +8        60.0503    -147.6472    149      nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         1919      19       nd            nd        
PA01192.06      Tucker                    2       11             PWS3         11         7            1124        E        +8        60.0489    -147.6543    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         1924      19       nd            nd        
PA01192.07      Tucker                    3       11             PWS3         11         7            1127        S        +8        60.0481    -147.6575    156      nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         1927      20       nd            pulled early due to debris  
PA01192.08      Tucker                    3       11             PWS3         11         7            1129        E        +8        60.0474    -147.6612    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         1929      20       nd            nd        
PA01192.09      Tucker                    4       11             PWS3         11         7            1131        S        +8        60.0468    -147.6632    159      nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         1931      21       nd            nd        
PA01192.10      Tucker                    4       11             PWS3         11         7            1136        E        +8        60.0450    -147.6697    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         1936      21       nd            nd        
PA01192.11      CTD                       5       11             PWS3         11         7            1142        S        +8        60.0455    -147.6693    167      100      nd                         nd                            11       07         1942      7        nd            nd        
PA01192.12      Trawl                     1       12             PWS2         11         7            1239        S        +8        60.1015    -147.8341    259      nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         2039      15       nd            put back center bouy along w/4 hard bouys -125 Fa wire out  
PA01192.13      Trawl                     1       12             PWS2         11         7            1309        E        +8        60.1144    -147.8768    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         2109      15       nd            nd        
PA01192.14      Tucker                    2       12             PWS2         11         7            1333        S        +8        60.1125    -147.8677    230      nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         2133      22       nd            nd        
PA01192.15      Tucker                    2       12             PWS2         11         7            1338        E        +8        60.1104    -147.8602    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         2138      22       nd            nd        
PA01192.16      Tucker                    3       12             PWS2         11         7            1343        S        +8        60.1090    -147.8548    238      nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         2143      23       nd            nd        
PA01192.17      Tucker                    3       12             PWS2         11         7            1348        E        +8        60.1068    -147.8482    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         2148      23       nd            nd        
PA01192.18      Tucker                    4       12             PWS2         11         7            1349        S        +8        60.1062    -147.8457    248      nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         2149      24       nd            nd        
PA01192.19      Tucker                    4       12             PWS2         11         7            1354        E        +8        60.1040    -147.8383    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         2154      24       nd            nd        
PA01192.20      CTD                       5       12             PWS2         11         7            1405        S        +8        60.1036    -147.8333    265      100      nd                         nd                            11       07         2205      8        nd            011125.hex  
PA01192.21      Trawl                     1       13             PWS1         11         7            1524        S        +8        60.1952    -147.9923    161      nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         2324      16       nd            125 Fa wire out  
PA01192.22      Trawl                     1       13             PWS1         11         7            1554        E        +8        60.2118    -147.0198    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            11       07         2354      16       nd            nd        
PA01192.23      Tucker                    2       13             PWS1         11         7            1618        S        +8        60.2146    -148.0197    332      nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         0018      25       nd            nd        
PA01192.24      Tucker                    2       13             PWS1         11         7            1623        E        +8        60.2121    -148.0150    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         0023      25       nd            nd        
PA01192.25      Tucker                    3       13             PWS1         11         7            1625        S        +8        60.2108    -148.0120    209      nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         0025      26       nd            nd        
PA01192.26      Tucker                    3       13             PWS1         11         7            1630        E        +8        60.2072    -148.0068    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         0030      26       nd            nd        
PA01192.27      Tucker                    4       13             PWS1         11         7            1631        S        +8        60.2056    -148.0038    182      nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         0031      27       nd            nd        
PA01192.28      Tucker                    4       13             PWS1         11         7            1636        E        +8        60.2023    -147.9988    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         0036      27       nd            nd        
PA01192.29      CTD                       5       13             PWS1         11         7            1647        S        +8        60.1984    -147.9952    163      100      nd                         nd                            12       07         0047      9        nd            011135.hex  
PA01193.01      Trawl                     1       14             PWS1         12         7            843         S        +8        60.1890    -147.9593    412      nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         1643      17       nd            125 Fa wire out  
PA01193.02      Trawl                     1       14             PWS1         12         7            853         E        +8        60.1936    -147.9679    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         1653      17       nd            nd        
PA01193.03      Gillnet                   2       14             PWS1         12         7            952         S        +8        60.2080    -147.9713    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         1752      1        nd            nd        
PA01193.04      Gillnet                   2       14             PWS1         12         7            1200        E        +8        60.1813    -147.9740    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         2000      1        nd            nd        
PA01193.05      Tucker                    3       14             PWS1         12         7            1008        S        +8        60.1984    -147.9712    445      nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         1808      28       nd            nd        
PA01193.06      Tucker                    3       14             PWS1         12         7            1013        E        +8        60.1928    -147.9716    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         1813      28       nd            nd        
PA01193.07      Tucker                    4       14             PWS1         12         7            1015        S        +8        60.1906    -147.9714    427      nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         1815      29       nd            nd        
PA01193.08      Tucker                    4       14             PWS1         12         7            1020        E        +8        60.1849    -147.9716    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         1820      29       nd            nd        
PA01193.09      Tucker                    5       14             PWS1         12         7            1021        S        +8        60.1826    -147.9712    381      nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         1821      30       nd            nd        
PA01193.10      Tucker                    5       14             PWS1         12         7            1026        E        +8        60.1768    -147.9713    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         1826      30       nd            nd        
PA01193.11      CTD                       6       14             PWS1         12         7            1052        S        +8        60.1895    -147.9690    441      100      nd                         nd                            12       07         1852      10       nd            011146.hex  
PA01193.12      Trawl                     7       14             PWS1         12         7            1509        S        +8        60.1918    -147.9625    429      nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         2309      18       nd            125 Fa wire out  
PA01193.13      Trawl                     7       14             PWS1         12         7            1523        E        +8        60.1975    -147.9794    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            12       07         2323      18       nd            nd        
PA01193.14      Trawl                     8       14             PWS1         12         7            1633        S        +8        60.2018    -148.0096    239      nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0033      19       nd            125 Fa wire-need to bring it in & straighten out center bouy & bridle -9am/9pm = max. Ebb Flow  
PA01193.15      Trawl                     8       14             PWS1         12         7            1653        E        +8        60.2123    -148.0307    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0053      19       nd            nd        
PA01193.16      Tucker                    9       14             PWS1         12         7            1718        S        +8        60.2148    -148.0275    411      nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0118      31       nd            nd        
PA01193.17      Tucker                    9       14             PWS1         12         7            1723        E        +8        60.2114    -148.0234    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0123      31       nd            nd        
PA01193.18      Tucker                    10      14             PWS1         12         7            1725        S        +8        60.2100    -148.0210    393      nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0125      32       nd            nd        
PA01193.19      Tucker                    10      14             PWS1         12         7            1730        E        +8        60.2065    -148.0164    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0130      32       nd            nd        
PA01193.20      Tucker                    11      14             PWS1         12         7            1732        S        +8        60.2017    -148.0138    299      nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0132      33       nd            nd        
PA01193.21      Tucker                    11      14             PWS1         12         7            1737        E        +8        60.2017    -148.0081    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0137      33       nd            nd        
PA01193.22      CTD                       12      14             PWS1         12         7            1742        S        +8        60.1999    -148.0024    240      100      nd                         nd                            13       07         0142      11       nd            0111412.hex  
PA01193.23      Trawl                     13      14             PWS1         12         7            2153        S        +8        60.2065    -147.9803    461      nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0553      20       nd            125 Fa wire out  
PA01193.24      Trawl                     13      14             PWS1         12         7            2213        E        +8        60.2140    -147.9996    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0613      20       nd            nd        
PA01193.25      Tucker                    14      14             PWS1         12         7            2241        S        +8        60.2148    -147.9916    493      nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0641      34       nd            nd        
PA01193.26      Tucker                    14      14             PWS1         12         7            2246        E        +8        60.2114    -147.9853    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0646      34       nd            nd        
PA01193.27      Tucker                    15      14             PWS1         12         7            2248        S        +8        60.2100    -147.9818    470      nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0648      35       nd            nd        
PA01193.28      Tucker                    15      14             PWS1         12         7            2253        E        +8        60.2069    -147.9750    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0653      35       nd            nd        
PA01193.29      Tucker                    16      14             PWS1         12         7            2255        S        +8        60.2054    -147.9711    447      nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0655      36       nd            nd        
PA01193.30      Tucker                    16      14             PWS1         12         7            2300        E        +8        60.2023    -147.9643    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         0700      36       nd            nd        
PA01193.31      CTD                       17      14             PWS1         12         7            2308        S        +8        60.2003    -147.9642    451      100      nd                         nd                            13       07         0708      12       nd            0111417.hex  
PA01194.01      Trawl                     18      14             PWS1         13         7            410         S        +8        60.2023    -147.9843    452      nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         1210      21       nd            125 Fa wire out  
PA01194.02      Trawl                     18      14             PWS1         13         7            429         E        +8        60.2108    -148.0005    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         1229      21       nd            nd        
PA01194.03      Tucker                    19      14             PWS1         13         7            459         S        +8        60.2110    -147.9940    438      nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         1259      37       nd            nd        
PA01194.04      Tucker                    19      14             PWS1         13         7            504         E        +8        60.2067    -147.9874    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         1304      37       nd            nd        
PA01194.05      Tucker                    20      14             PWS1         13         7            507         S        +8        60.2044    -147.9819    457      nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         1307      38       nd            nd        
PA01194.06      Tucker                    20      14             PWS1         13         7            512         E        +8        60.2007    -147.9740    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         1312      38       nd            nd        
PA01194.07      Tucker                    21      14             PWS1         13         7            515         S        +8        60.1990    -147.9691    449      nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         1315      39       nd            nd        
PA01194.08      Tucker                    21      14             PWS1         13         7            520         E        +8        60.1959    -147.9612    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            13       07         1320      39       nd            nd        
PA01194.09      CTD                       22      14             PWS1         13         7            527         S        +8        60.1937    -147.9592    438      100      nd                         nd                            13       07         1327      13       nd            0111422.hex  
PA01194.10      Trawl                     1       15             DAY1         13         7            1749        S        +8        59.9423    -149.1490    205      nd       nd                         nd                            14       07         0149      22       nd            at mouth of Day Harbor ;125 Fa wire out  
PA01194.11      Trawl                     1       15             DAY1         13         7            1809        E        +8        59.9278    -149.1457    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            14       07         0209      22       nd            nd        
PA01195.01      Trawl                     1       16             GAK1         14         7            444         S        +8        59.8488    -149.4826    268      nd       nd                         nd                            14       07         1244      23       nd            125 Fa wire out.  
PA01195.02      Trawl                     1       16             GAK1         14         7            514         E        +8        59.8321    -149.4571    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            14       07         1314      23       nd            nd        
PA01195.03      Trawl                     1       17             GAK2         14         7            659         S        +8        59.6844    -149.3372    230      nd       nd                         nd                            14       07         1459      24       nd            nd        
PA01195.04      Trawl                     1       17             GAK2         14         7            729         E        +8        59.7017    -149.3152    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            14       07         1529      24       nd            nd        
PA01195.05      Trawl                     1       18             GAK3         14         7            935         S        +8        59.5566    -149.1922    213      nd       nd                         nd                            14       07         1735      25       nd            125 Fa wire out  
PA01195.06      Trawl                     1       18             GAK3         14         7            1005        E        +8        59.5562    -149.1429    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            14       07         1805      25       nd            nd        
PA01195.07      Trawl                     1       19             GAK2         14         7            1155        S        +8        59.6811    -149.3601    228      nd       nd                         nd                            14       07         1955      26       nd            nd        
PA01195.08      Trawl                     1       19             GAK2         14         7            1225        E        +8        59.6877    -149.3212    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            14       07         2025      26       nd            nd        
PA01195.09      Trawl                     1       20             GAK1         14         7            1433        S        +8        59.8361    -149.4551    269      nd       nd                         nd                            14       07         2233      27       nd            Center buoy got tangled  
PA01195.10      Trawl                     1       20             GAK1         14         7            1503        E        +8        59.8198    -149.4257    nd       nd       nd                         nd                            14       07         2303      27       nd            nd