/globec/soglobec/acoustic_back --cruiseid eq NBP0103-- Level 1

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#  Acoustic backscatter data from the Southern Ocean
#  G. Lawson, PI
#  NBP0103
cruiseid  year  
NBP0103   2001  
jpg                                           mat   yrday  day_local  month_local  tow  station_start  station_end  lat_start       lon_start       lat_end         lon_end         depth_w_start  depth_w_end  depth_start  depth_end  
        mat   119    29         4            3    1              2            -65.800         -70.383         -65.97082       -69.84657       500            360          250          nd         
        mat   120    30         4            4    3              4            -66.18397       -69.2285        -66.3557        -68.5025        362            674          250          250        
        mat   121    1          5            5    10             13           -66.15277       -70.97185       -66.79102       -70.1872        890            561          250          250        
        mat   122    2          5            6    13             15           -66.8153        -70.5545        -67.0527        -69.1513        nd             nd           300          nd         
        mat   122    2          5            7    15             19           nd              nd              -66.7705        -71.61735       460            nd           250          250        
        mat   123    3          5            8    19             22           -66.8230        -71.4840        -66.6877        -73.3135        482            3600         250          250        
        mat   124    4          5            9    22             22           -66.6697        -73.3675        -66.6555        -73.37593       3660           3652         30           250        
        mat   125    5          5            10   22             22           -66.7455        -73.1468        -67.1138        -72.40500       3625           nd           nd           nd         
        mat   125    5          5            11   26             26           -67.560         -70.4700        -67.698         -70.028         760            690          40           40         
        mat   128    8          5            12   35             41           -68.23640       -69.6368        -67.22440       -74.5265        580            2937         250          250        
        mat   129    9          5            13   41             49           -67.23377       -74.52422       -68.01472       -68.01487       2855           nd           250          250        
        mat   130    10         5            13   41             49           -67.23377       -74.52422       -68.01472       -68.01487       2855           nd           250          250        
        mat   131    11         5            13   41             49           -67.23377       -74.52422       -68.01472       -68.01487       2855           nd           250          250        
        mat   132    12         5            14   to 52          to 55        -69.0213        -69.0775        -68.25607       -72.13385       towyo          300          nd           250        
        mat   133    13         5            15   to 56          57           -68.32718       -72.51043       -67.92130       -73.78578       nd             410          250          nd         
        mat   134    14         5            15   to 56          57           -68.32718       -72.51043       -67.92130       -73.78578       nd             410          250          nd         
        mat   135    15         5            16   64             66           -68.0757        -74.7693        -68.44862       -73.6395        426            580          nd           250        
        mat   136    16         5            17   66             69           -68.43538       -73.65342       -69.17823       -72.7528        0              151          250          250        
        mat   137    17         5            18   69             76           -69.1772        -72.7563        -68.98455       -74.9378        130            400          nd           250        
        mat   138    18         5            18   69             76           -69.1772        -72.7563        -68.98455       -74.9378        130            400          nd           250        
        mat   139    19         5            19   77             81           -68.9903        -74.9087        -68.80318       -76.9788        395            550          nd           250        
        mat   140    20         5            20   81             84           -68.8080        -76.9848        -69.52607       -76.2890        500            400          nd           250        
        mat   144    24         5            21   nd             nd           -68.74082       -71.4617        -68.7920        -71.3977        550            400          50           0-120      
        mat   146    26         5            22   nd             to Faure     -67.76660       -69.77435       -68.1205        -68.4232        nd             320          nd           nd         
        mat   147    27         5            23   Mbay           nd           -68.0730        -68.6272        -67.8638        -68.0790        300            nd           nd           nd         
        mat   148    28         5            24   KP1            nd           -67.9082        -68.18192       -67.8812        -68.445         nd             nd           nd           nd         
        mat   149    29         5            25   nd             nd           -68.06977       -69.72958       -67.7802        -69.3988        nd             181          nd           nd         
        mat   150    30         5            26   94             to 99        -67.79557       -69.3787        -67.370         -69.6075        180            nd           nd           nd         
        mat   151    31         5            27   100            from 6       -66.7992        -68.4653        -66.0473        -71.0577        100            2716         0            0-250      
        mat   152    1          6            27   100            from 6       -66.7992        -68.4653        -66.0473        -71.0577        100            2716         0            0-250