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#  version: 16March2010
#  SOIREE 61TG_3052 Cruise Data Inventory
#  Status of expected SOIREE data contributions
#  some data contributions may still have access limited to
#  SOIREE project participants (Access=R) but these data will
#  be made available to all (Access=O) in the future
Data_Measurement                                                              BCODMO_DataSet_ID                             PI_name          coPI_name        Contributed  QA  On_System  Meta  Access  Status_or_Link                            
Cruise Report                                                                 nd                                            Boyd             nd               y            nd  L          nd    O       cruise report  
DSR II Vol 48 2001  SOIREE Introduction and Summary                           nd                                            Boyd             Law              y            nd  L          nd    O       DSRII Vol 48 Report  
Master Station List                                                           Stations - Master List                        Boyd             nd               y            n   y          nd    O       nd                                        
CTD Sampling Log                                                              Stations - CTD Sampling                       Boyd             nd               y            n   y          nd    O       nd                                        
GoFlos Sampling Log                                                           Stations - GoFlos                             Boyd             nd               y            n   y          nd    O       nd                                        
Pump Stations List                                                            Stations - Pumps                              Boyd             nd               y            n   y          nd    O       nd                                        
Trace Gas Sampling Log                                                        Stations - Trace Gases                        Boyd             nd               y            n   y          nd    O       nd                                        
Undulator Stations List                                                       Stations - Undulators                         Boyd             nd               y            n   y          nd    O       nd                                        
Zooplankton Sampling Log                                                      Stations - Zooplankton                        Boyd             nd               y            n   y          nd    O       nd                                        
Shipboard ADCP                                                                ADCP                                          Abraham          Wiles            y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Summary of Areal (mixed layer integrated)                                     AREAL Summary                                 Gall             Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Total Condensation Nucleus Concentration                                      Cloud Cond Nuclei                             Harvey           nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Chlorophylla (HPLC vs Fluorescence)                                           Chla - HPLCvsFluo                             Gall             Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Chlorophyll concentrations at sampled depths                                  Chl - Concentrations                          Gall             Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Measured Chlorophyll a and Phaeopigment concentrations                        Chl - Summary                                 Gall             Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Atmospheric CO2                                                               co2 - Atmospheric                             Watson           Bakker           y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Surface Water CO2                                                             co2 - Surface                                 Watson           Bakker           y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
CTD profile (pressure; temperature; salinity)                                 CTD                                           Walkington       Abraham          y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
CTD at Bottle Trip                                                            CTD - Bottle Trip                             Walkington       Abraham          y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Mixed-Layer depths                                                            CTD - Mixed Layer                             Abraham          nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Summary of CTD profiles                                                       CTD - Summary                                 Gall             Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Surface SF6 values at CTD times                                               CTD - Surface SF6                             Abraham          Law              y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Uncalibrated from the ships Data Acquisition System (DAS)                     DAS                                           Abraham          nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
DIC CTD                                                                       DIC - CTD                                     Bakker           Watson           y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
DIC TAP                                                                       DIC - TAP                                     Bakker           Watson           y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Fe - Surface                                                                  Fe - Surface                                  Bowie            Frew             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Fe Vertical (GoFlo Data)                                                      Fe - Vertical                                 Bowie            nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Underway flourescence; FRFF (Fv/Fm); surface PAR                              Fluor - Underway                              Abraham          Gall             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Concentration of photosynthetic pigments determined by HPLC                   HPLC Summary - All                            Gall             Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Beam attenuation vs CTD light attenuation                                     Light - Beam vs LA                            Gall             Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Measured surface light levels                                                 Light - levels                                Gall             Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Summary of daily light levels; attenuation coefficients and critical depths   Light - summary                               Gall             Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Bacterial Microzoop/Phytop Enumeration/Production/Grazing/Growth              Microbiology                                  Hall             nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Activities (biogenic elements fluxes) time series (inside the patch)          Modeling - Act in                             Lancelot         Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Activities (biogenic elements fluxes) time series (outside the patch)         Modeling - Act out                            Lancelot         Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
hydro-meteorological forcings                                                 Modeling - Forcing                            Lancelot         Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Carbon budget of the Upper Mixed Layer (inside and outside the patch)         Modeling - BudgetC                            Lancelot         Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
daily averaged surface water pCO2 inside and outside the patch                Modeling - pCO2                               Lancelot         Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
state variables time series (inside the patch)                                Modeling - Var in                             Lancelot         Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
state variables time series (outside the patch)                               Modeling - Var out                            Lancelot         Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
SEAWIFS Images                                                                SEAWIFS                                       Abraham          Lavender         y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
SF6 Data from CTD IN Casts                                                    SF6 - ctdin                                   Law              nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
SF6 Data from CTD OUT Casts                                                   SF6 - ctdout                                  Law              nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Underway surface SF6 concentration                                            SF6 - uw                                      Law              nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Underway surface SF6 concentration (corrected)                                SF6 - uw_corr                                 Law              nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Ship track (date; time; lon; lat)                                             Ships Track                                   Abraham          nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Ship track drift (lagrangian corrected shiptrack)                             Ships Track Drift                             Abraham          nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
14C-uptake data from Simulated In Situ incubations for depths sampled         SIS - Summary                                 Gall             Boyd             y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - 13Corgisotopes                                               SedimentTraps - 13Corg Isotopes               Trull            nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - 13C DIC                                                      SedimentTraps - 13C DIC                       Trull            Bakker           y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - 234-Thorium Flux                                             SedimentTraps - 234-Thorium Flux              Trull            nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Bulk Pumped Particles                                        SedimentTraps - Bulk Pumped Particles         Trull            nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Deployments                                                  SedimentTraps - Deployments                   Nodder           Charette         y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Dissolved Th                                                 SedimentTraps - Dissolved Th                  Charette         nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Mass Flux                                                    SedimentTraps - Total Mass Flux               Nodder           Waite            y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Particle Size                                                SedimentTraps - Particle Size                 Waite            Nodder           y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Phytopigment Flux                                            SedimentTraps - Phytopigment Flux             Waite            nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Phytoplankton in trap samples                                SedimentTraps - Phytoplankton                 Waite            nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - CHLOROPHYLL Sinking Rates (summary)                          SedimentTraps - Phyto SRs_TA                  Waite            nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - CHLOROPHYLL Sinking Rates                                    SedimentTraps - Phyto SRs_TS                  Waite            nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Total PN Flux                                                SedimentTraps - Total PN Flux                 Nodder           Waite            y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Total POC Flux                                               SedimentTraps - Total POC Flux                Nodder           Waite            y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Water column POC and PON results                             SedimentTraps - POC PON Water Column          Nodder           nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Water column PSi (biogenic) results                          SedimentTraps - PSi Water Column              Nodder           nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Silica Dissolution Estimates                                 SedimentTraps - Silica Dissolution Estimates  Nodder           Waite            y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Size-Fractionated Th; POC/PON; 13Corg results                SedimentTraps - Size Frac PPs                 Trull            Charette         y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
Sediment Traps - Total Psi Flux                                               SedimentTraps - Total PSi Flux                Nodder           Waite            y            n   y          y     O       nd                                        
XBT data (depth; temperature; NO SOUND VELOCITY)                              XBT                                           Abraham          nd               y            n   y          y     O       nd