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#  Oithona species data 
#   Principle Investigator:
#    Shuhei Nishida, Ocean Research Institute
#    University of Tokyo
cruiseid            year_start  instr         
KH75-4              1975        Norpac-XX13   
station           lat       lon         mmdd_start  mmdd_end  time_start_local  time_end_local  depth_range  comments  
4                 49.597    157.960     0629        0629      0650              nd              0-150        nd        
5                 51.987    162.047     0630        0630      1428              nd              0-150        nd        
6                 54.548    164.500     0701        0701      1757              1807            0-150        nd        
9                 56.998    174.850     0706        0706      1219              1228            0-150        nd        
10                57.030    179.257     0707        0707      1546              nd              0-150        nd        
12                57.032    -172.455    0709        0709      0823              nd              0-150        nd        
15                56.998    -162.942    0710        0710      2205              nd              0-58         nd        
26                49.958    -154.970    0718        0718      1809              nd              0-150        nd        
27                49.993    -144.682    0720        0720      0517              nd              0-150        nd        
33                47.940    171.023     0811        0811      1856              nd              0-150        nd