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#  Oithona species data 
#   Principle Investigator:
#    Shuhei Nishida, Ocean Research Institute
#    University of Tokyo
cruiseid            year_start  instr         
KH76-5              1976        Norpac-XX13   
station           lat       lon         mmdd_start  mmdd_end  time_start_local  time_end_local  depth_range  comments  
1                 19.967    130.030     1225        1225      1927              1934            0-150        nd        
4                 5.077     130.158     1229        1229      1459              1503            0-150        nd        
8-1               -20.070   86.978      0118        0118      1332              1342            0-150        nd        
10                -10.037   86.905      0121        0121      1830              1841            0-150        nd        
12                0.083     86.943      0127        0127      2249              2257            0-150        nd        
14                9.953     86.948      0210        0210      0209              0218            0-150        nd        
16-1              16.577    88.515      0216        0216      0145              0156            0-150        nd        
18-3              9.020     110.443     0301        0301      1804              1814            0-150        nd        
B21-1             19.990    120.468     0308        0308      1446              1455            0-150        nd