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#  Oithona species data 
#   Principle Investigator:
#    Shuhei Nishida, Ocean Research Institute
#    University of Tokyo
cruiseid            year_start  instr         
Other               various     Hand-net      
station           lat       lon         mmdd_start  mmdd_end  time_start_local  time_end_local  depth_range  comments  
Gulf_of_Thailand  9.65      99.65       0122        0122      nd                nd              0-19         1979      
species             num_per_m3  
Oithona_aruensis    +           
Oithona_attenuata   +           
Oithona_australis   nd          
Oithona_brevicornis  nd          
Oithona_davisae     nd          
Oithona_decipiens   nd          
Oithona_dissimilis  +           
Oithona_fallax      nd          
Oithona_nana        +           
Oithona_oculata     nd          
Oithona_plumifera   +           
Oithona_rigida      +           
Oithona_setigera    +           
Oithona_similis     nd          
Oithona_simplex     +           
Oithona_tenuis      nd