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#  Oithona species data 
#   Principle Investigator:
#    Shuhei Nishida, Ocean Research Institute
#    University of Tokyo
cruiseid            year_start  instr         
KH76-3              1976        MTD-XX13      
station           lat       lon         mmdd_start  mmdd_end  time_start_local  time_end_local  comments  
3-1               40.928    135.400     0715        0715      1828              1920            nd        
3-2               40.933    135.392     0715        0715      1644              1718            nd        
J21-1             37.030    134.398     0730        0730      0230              0311            nd        
J21-2             37.038    134.358     0730        0730      0043              0132            nd