/BCO/RISE/Eventlogs --Cruise eq RISE05W3-- Level 1

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#  version: 27 Oct 2009
#  PI: Hickey 
#  Event Logs - All Wecoma Cruises
Event               Org_Event_Number  Date      Time_Start  Time_End  lon         lat        Grid_StationId            Event_Description                         Samples_Taken                                         Depth_Water  Depth_Cast  Cast_Number  YrDay  
200508041000_0      0                 20050804  1000        nd        -124.04500  44.62500   nd                        Depart Newport dock                       nd                                                    nd           nd          nd           216    
200508041100_1      1                 20050804  1100        nd        nd          nd         nd                        Fe-Fish Tow #1                            Fe;Mn and nuts                                        nd           nd          nd           216    
200508040300_2      2                 20050805  0300        0405      -124.14467  46.07083   nd                        Test Fe Fish                              Micronutrients                                        nd           nd          nd           216    
200508050548_3      3                 20050805  0548        nd        -124.26632  46.49963   LB03                      VPT                                       zoops                                                 60           56          nd           217    
200508050608_4      4                 20050805  0608        nd        -124.26632  46.49963   LB03                      Bongo                                     zoops                                                 60           20          nd           217    
200508050744_5      5                 20050805  0744        nd        -124.47502  46.49992   LB06                      VPT                                       zoops                                                 140          100         nd           217    
200508050800_6      6                 20050805  0800        nd        -124.47502  46.49992   LB06                      Bongo                                     zoops                                                 140          20          nd           217    
200508050907_7      7                 20050805  0907        nd        -124.53362  46.49998   LB07                      VPT                                       zoops                                                 438          100         nd           217    
200508050920_8      8                 20050805  0920        nd        -124.53362  46.49998   LB07                      Bongo                                     zoops                                                 438          20          nd           217    
200508051309_9      9                 20050805  1309        nd        -124.22368  47.00000   GH01                      Vertical Fe-Fish                          Fe;Mn and nuts                                        17           nd          nd           217    
200508051456_10     10                20050805  1456        1501      -124.22333  47.00000   GH01                      CTD001                                    Chl; nuts                                             16           12          nd           217    
200508051553_11     11                20050805  1553        1603      -124.28917  47.00017   GH02                      CTD002                                    Chl; nuts                                             36           31          nd           217    
200508051619_12     12                20050805  1619        1640      -124.45561  47.00000   GH02                      Vertical Fe-Fish                          Fe;Mn and nuts; Kudela-prod                           36           18          nd           217    
200508051650_13     13                20050805  1650        1658      -124.28917  47.00000   GH02                      CTD003                                    Lessard-micozoops&prod                                36           18          nd           217    
200508051710_14     14                20050805  1710        1715      -124.28917  47.00000   GH02                      GO-FLO                                    Trace metals at 30m                                   36           30          nd           217    
200508051808_15     15                20050805  1808        1810      -124.36000  47.00000   GH03                      CTD004                                    Chl; nuts                                             47           42          nd           217    
200508051815_16     16                20050805  1815        1830      -124.35967  47.00000   GH03                      Vertical Fe-Fish                          Fe;Mn and nuts                                        47           18          nd           217    
200508051830_17     17                20050805  1830        1851      -124.35967  47.00000   GH03                      GO-FLO                                    Trace metals at 30;40m                                47           40          nd           217    
200508051952_18     18                20050805  1952        0020      -124.48767  46.99967   GH04                      CTD005                                    Chl; nuts                                             72           66          nd           217    
200508052008_19     19                20050805  2008        2045      -124.48850  46.99967   GH04                      Noon optics cast                          Optics profile                                        72           50          nd           217    
                [ ... truncating listing here]
                Full data listing