/BCO/RISE/ProfilePP --Cruise eq RISE04W1-- Level 1

      Directory  DocumentationPlotting and Other Operations...

        Level 0 Level 2 (of 2)      Flat list

#   version: 14 July 2014
#   PIs: Kudela, Bruland, T. Peterson, Hickey
#   Vertical Profiles of Primary Productivity
Cruise    CruiseID_CTD  
RISE04W1  we0407        
Station  Date      Time    Lat       Lon         
2        20040709  154000  46.20783  -124.08350  
12       20040710  194400  46.23283  -124.15850  
19       20040711  204400  46.25167  -124.31520  
26       20040712  163600  47.00000  -124.28950  
42       20040714  181000  46.22550  -124.17100  
48       20040715  151600  45.49950  -124.05120  
56       20040717  154000  46.24166  -124.37880  
64       20040718  154100  46.21617  -124.45720  
70       20040719  144200  46.35433  -124.46580  
77       20040720  153400  46.26417  -124.28950  
80       20040721  152000  46.24233  -124.18000  
95       20040723  164700  45.49983  -124.05130  
100      20040724  040200  45.49917  -124.61720  
107      20040725  051600  46.99933  -124.88650  
111      20040725  160400  47.00017  -124.22350