/BCO/RISE/ProfilePP --Cruise eq RISE05W2-- Level 1

      Directory  DocumentationPlotting and Other Operations...

        Level 0 Level 2 (of 2)      Flat list

#   version: 14 July 2014
#   PIs: Kudela, Bruland, T. Peterson, Hickey
#   Vertical Profiles of Primary Productivity
Cruise    CruiseID_CTD  
RISE05W2  we0505c       
Station  Date      Time    Lat       Lon         
3        20050530  164900  47.00017  -125.40400  
14       20050531  160200  47.00017  -124.28870  
27       20050601  150300  46.05017  -124.23580  
33       20050602  152600  45.50017  -124.65080  
41       20050603  140600  45.76783  -124.78700  
47       20050604  153100  45.51717  -124.33380  
79       20050607  151500  46.22550  -124.17130  
94       20050608  141300  46.26850  -124.17680  
101      20050609  155500  46.23017  -124.31670  
114      20050610  161300  46.41683  -124.17850  
126      20050611  163300  47.49900  -124.52020  
146      20050613  153200  46.22483  -124.17130  
162      20050614  151200  45.86666  -124.41670  
183      20050617  154800  47.00017  -124.28520  
194      20050618  155600  45.49967  -124.05170