/BCO/RISE/Biomass --Cruise eq RISE04W1-- Level 1

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#   version: 20 March 2009
#   PI: Lessard 
#   Biomass of phytoplankton and microzooplankton taxa groups
dilExID  CTD   Station    lon      lat    date      depth  diatom   ciliate  hdino    pdino    crypto  peuk   cyano  pnan   hnan   
1.01     13    DA2        -124.21  46.23  20040710  2.4    62.55    0.62     1.55     6.26     0.26    9.73   2.93   3.41   8.16   
1.02     18    P11        -124.32  46.25  20040711  2.0    309.50   16.96    19.69    56.10    3.22    22.67  5.72   10.10  20.42  
1.03     25    GH2        -124.29  47.00  20040712  2.4    146.97   44.40    35.74    24.19    0.46    13.14  15.38  11.58  27.46  
1.04     41    P12G       -124.17  46.23  20040714  2.1    183.21   6.25     13.35    5.42     1.60    12.43  2.48   2.65   11.17  
1.05     55    DC2        -124.31  46.24  20040717  2.5    170.77   6.83     8.58     7.73     1.52    13.58  1.91   11.30  3.69   
1.06     66    BW         -124.66  46.14  20040718  4.3    0.31     2.21     1.15     0.88     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   
1.07     fish  BW         -124.66  46.14  20040718  4.3    0.37     2.71     1.39     0.42     0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   
1.07     71    DC16       -124.46  46.35  20040719  3.6    18.24    20.04    42.24    4.12     0.07    7.07   15.09  21.94  9.91   
1.08     fish  DC17       -124.43  46.24  20040720  3.0    42.41    20.82    28.72    6.85     0.00    10.34  11.04  14.83  12.07  
1.09     80    DE1        -124.18  46.24  20040721  2.3    79.71    6.61     5.90     13.61    0.00    6.03   0.78   6.76   3.35   
1.10     93    CM1        -123.99  45.50  20040723  2.4    91.47    6.42     5.03     2.47     0.70    3.07   0.68   2.10   11.95  
1.11     110   GH1        -124.22  46.99  20040725  2.4    100.32   10.17    16.49    15.44    1.44    12.95  8.57   11.51  16.08