Georges Bank Eastern Flank Mooring Arrays
Array Summary:
The Georges Bank moored instrument array (East Flank) was moored at ~41.7N and 66.1W in ~90m of water. The array consisted of a Toroid mooring (EFT) Nov 98 - Mar 99, an instrumented Guard mooring (EFG) Mar 99 - Aug 99, and a replacement Discus mooring (EFD) for the Toroid Mar 99 - August 99. The Toroid and Discus moorings were instrumented with temperature sensors at 10, 20, 45 meters; CTD units at 1, 15, 80 meters; and current meter units at 5 and 25 meters. The Guard mooring was instrumented with a temperature sensor at 1 meter.
DMO Notes:
1.. On mooring EFT (East Flank Toroid) yearday values are numbered consecutively from Nov 1998 to Mar 1999.
2.. At the present time, the values for u and v are not available.
3..These data are served from the orginal Matlab binary files. But for performance reasons, a cached version of these data (in JGOFS/GLOBEC format) is used. Missing data are represented as either "nd" or as "NaN".
Questions regarding these data should be directed to:
Richard Limeburner
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543
Phone: 508 289 2539
PI Notes:
The original processing comments from the file readme.txt are show below:
For edited raw data at EF mooring
R. Limeburner 7/30/01
Input - Galbraith's *s.mat converted ascii raw data, time corrected
Output - *se.mat, with start/stop time in phase, big spikes interpolated
See plots eftraw.jpg, efsraw.jpg, eftlp.jpg, efslp.jpg
NEP Edited Raw Data 2001
Filename Start time Stop Time Comment
EFTbt10m1800se.mat 111798 140000 031199 190000 ok
EFTbt20m1800se.mat 111798 140000 031199 190000 ok
EFTbt45m1800se.mat 111798 140000 031199 190000 ok
EFTsc1m300se.mat 111798 140000 031199 190000 ok, may need Flagg editing
EFTsc15m450se.mat 111798 140000 031199 190000 ok, may need Flagg editing
EFTsc80m450se.mat 111798 140000 031199 190000 ok, may need Flagg editing
EFTvm5m450se.mat 111798 140000 031199 190000 ok
EFTvm25m450se.mat 111798 140000 031199 190000 ok
EFDbt10m900se.mat 033099 020000 080399 160000 ok
EFDbt20m900se.mat 033099 020000 080399 160000 ok
EFDbt45m900se.mat 033099 020000 080399 160000 ok
EFDbt60m900se.mat 033099 020000 042799 044500 may need more editing
EFDsc2m120se.mat 033099 020000 073199 065600 ok, may need Flagg editing
EFDsc15m225se.mat 033099 020000 062799 110000 ok, may need Flagg editing
EFDsc35m225se.mat 033099 020000 071099 183000 ok, may need Flagg editing
EFDsc80m225se.mat 033099 020000 080399 160000 ok, may need Flagg editing
EFDvm5m450se.mat 033099 020000 080399 160000 temp much shorter than velocity
EFDvm25m450se.mat 033099 020000 051999 223730 ok
Editing EF history
1. Input GAlbraiths 7/26/01 data set with correct time
2. ETTsc1m330s.mat,
fix cond spike at cond(12638), cond(18798)
delete data(32895:32919), delete data(1)
corrects the start time.
3 EFTsc15m450s.mat ok
4. EFTsc80m450s.mat data(21930:21945)=[] fixes time
5. EFTbt
5. EFTvm25m450s.mat
7. EFDsc2m120s.mat
8. EFDsc15m225s.mat
8. EFTsc35m225s.mat
Last updated April 6, 2006