/globec/nep/cgoa/ltop/secm_fish_size_prey --cruise_id eq jc0016-- Level 2

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        Level 0 Level 3 (of 5)      Flat list

# Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring (SECM)
# Fish size and prey data; 1997 - 2006
# PI: Alex C. Wertheimer (NOAA - Auke Bay Lab, AK)
# Version: 02 Apr 2010
cruise_id  region  
jc0016     NSE     
station  lat    lon      habitat  locality            
CSA      58.16  -136.45  Coastal  Cross_Sound         
CSB      58.18  -136.48  Coastal  Cross_Sound         
CSD      58.23  -136.54  Coastal  Cross_Sound         
ISA      58.22  -135.53  Strait   Icy_Strait          
ISB      58.24  -135.49  Strait   Icy_Strait          
ISC      58.25  -135.44  Strait   Icy_Strait          
ISD      58.27  -135.4   Strait   Icy_Strait          
LFC      58.35  -134.73  Inshore  Inshore             
TKI      58.19  -134.2   Inshore  Taku_Inlet          
UCA      58.08  -135     Strait   Upper_Chatham       
UCC      58.13  -135.07  Strait   Upper_Chatham