Dataset: scallop_wetdry_size
Deployment: NEC-BB2006-1

Size of scallops after wet or dry storage methods, 2007 data
Principal Investigator: 
Dr Brian Beal (University of Maine)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
Version Date: 

A Collaborative Effort to Examine New Strategies for Managing Closed Bottom Habitats for Sea Scallops

Fishermen in eastern Maine wished to evaluate the efficacy of closed areas with respect to enhancement of wild sea scallops. Beginning in spring 2007, two 1 km2 zones that were once, but were no longer, productive scallop grounds were created in the Beals-Jonesport area. To determine the best methods to collect, handle, transport, and deploy wild sea scallops (5-70 mm SL), we initiated and completed experimental bottom trials in each zone over a period of 30 days beginning in late April or early May, 2008. In addition, we collected wild scallop spat (5-10 mm SL) using collection methods transferred from successful field trials in the Canadian Maritimes.

Three independent field trials were conducted in the Jonesport-Beals region from May 2007 to May 2009 that focused on providing information for fishermen and fisheries managers about the efficacy of using closed bottom areas to enhance commercial populations of these bivalves.

final report

presentation: A Collaborative Effort to Examine New Strategies for Managing Closed Bottom Habitats for Sea Scallops (pdf)

Associated data sets:
Abundance of scallops after wet or dry storage methods, 2007 data
wild scallops size and abundance (2008-2009 data)

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