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#  Discrete samples of 15N2 fixation rates
#  CMORE affiliated / POOB
#  Ocean Microbial Ecology Laboratory
#  Ricardo Letelier
#  original figinaally ingested into BCO-inally ingested into BCO-DMO: Decembd lary co 2011 (ancilary columu (ancillary columumnns added - data not changed)
#  updated : Mar 30 2011 (years corrected, changed from 2010 to 2008)
date         sta       cast      lat       lon       
20080704     1         4         30.0033   -149.5999 
20080705     2         7         30.0033   -146.3015 
20080707     3         7         32.2102   -140.5157 
20080708     5         9         31.462    -140.2817 
20080709     7         9         31.422    -140.4979 
20080711     10        1         30.5399   -139.5339 
20080712     12        4         30.3659   -139.42   
20080713     14        7         28.4501   -141.15   
20080714     15        6         31.312    -140.3481 
20080715     16        9         32.0001   -139.0002 
20080716     17        1         31.4      -139.2    
20080716     18        1         31.9777   -139.4019 
20080716     19        1         30.5999   -140.0064 
20080716     20        1         30.4018   -140.2041 
20080716     21        1         30.1973   -140.4025