/BCO/NAB08/Niskin --Cruise_ID eq B2008_10-- Level 1

      Directory  DocumentationPlotting and Other Operations...

        Level 0 Level 2 (of 2)      Flat list

#  version 10 May 2011
#  PI:  Mary Jane Perry (Darling Marine Center, University of Maine)
#  project:  NAB2008 (North Atlantic Bloom Experiment 2008)
#  Niskin Bottle Hydrography from CTD Rosette 
cast  date      lat       lon         depth_bottom  beamc_id  
290a  20080626  61.877    -26.445     873           1090      
291   20080627  61.656    -25.913     1257          1090      
292   20080627  61.635    -25.841     1465          1090      
294   20080628  61.688    -25.625     1486          1090      
296   20080628  61.648    -25.642     1430          1090      
297   20080628  61.268    -24.810     1830          1090      
298   20080629  60.856    -23.961     1908          1090      
299   20080629  60.476    -23.204     2169          1090      
300   20080629  60.031    -22.339     2562          1090      
301   20080629  59.578    -21.527     2724          1090      
304   20080629  59.017    -20.496     2782          1090