/BCO/BWZ/Bacteria --cruise_id eq LMG0402-- Level 1

      Directory  DocumentationPlotting and Other Operations...

        Level 0 Level 2 (of 2)      Flat list

#  Version: 10 May 2011
#  PIs: Mitchell, et al
#  Microbial Biomass and Productivity
cast_id   date      time  lat        lon        
G402003e  20040220  1330  -61.25460  -57.99530  
G402013a  20040222  1300  -60.61980  -58.07750  
G402013e  20040222  1300  -60.61980  -58.07750  
G402019a  20040225  0609  -61.27400  -57.97220  
G402027c  20040226  0050  -60.82520  -57.98350  
G402031a  20040227  1000  -60.08410  -55.04290  
G402042a  20040229  1300  -59.61010  -54.11270  
G402042e  20040229  1300  -59.61010  -54.11270  
G402053a  20040302  1002  -60.58730  -54.66870  
G402057a  20040305  1450  -60.89980  -54.37040  
G402055k  20040306  1350  -60.56640  -57.64310  
G402064c  20040308  1100  -59.47240  -54.85570