count |
Count of taxa per stage per cubic meter.
unitless |
count |
cruiseid |
Cruise Identifier. (e.g., AL9607, EN276, OC275)
text |
cruiseid |
cruise_type |
Type of cruise. BSS - Broad scale Survey; PRO - Process Cruise; MOR - Mooring Cruise.
text |
cruise_type |
day_utc_end |
2-digit day (UTC) at the end of the measurement.
dd (01 to 31) |
day_end |
day_cruise_end |
2-digit day of month when cruise ended.
dd (01 to 31) |
day_end |
day_cruise_begin |
2-digit day of month when cruise began.
dd (01 to 31) |
day_start |
day_utc_begin |
2-digit day (UTC) at the beginning of the measurement.
dd (01 to 31) |
day_start |
depth_begin |
Depth of sampler at beginning of measurement, meters.
meters |
depth_begin |
depth_end |
Depth of sampler at end of measurement, meters.
meters |
depth_end |
depth_w |
Water depth, in meters.
meters |
depth_w |
event |
Event or operation number. Unique ID.
unitless |
event |
allsort_flag |
Flag for sorting. Default = 'n'. When all nets for particular tow are sorted, flag = 'y'.
unitless |
flag |
inst |
Instrument used to collect or process data. MOC1 - 1 meter square MOCNESS; Bongo - 61 cm diameter Bongo; Pump - zooplankton pump.
unitless |
instrument |
counter |
Initials of sorter and date sorted.
text |
investigator |
lat_begin |
Latitude at Beginning of measurement, in decimal degrees. (south is negative)
decimal degrees |
lat_start |
lon_begin |
Longitude at Beginning of measurement, in decimal degrees. (west is negative)
decimal degrees |
lon_start |
month_utc_end |
2-digit month (UTC) at the end of the measurement.
mm (01 to 12) |
month_end |
month_cruise_end |
2-digit month when the cruise ended.
mm (01 to 12) |
month_end |
month_cruise_begin |
2-digit month when the cruise began.
mm (01 to 12) |
month_start |
month_utc_begin |
2-digit month (UTC) at the beginning of the measurement.
mm (01 to 12) |
month_start |
net |
Net number.
unitless |
net |
gearcode |
Gear Code - used by NMFS. Three digit code that specifies gear and mesh size of net.
1M1 - 1 meter square MOCNESS, 150 um mesh
1M3 - 1 meter square MOCNESS, 335 um mesh
P35 - Pump, 35 um mesh
P50 - Pump, 50 um mesh
6B2 - 61 cm diameter Bongo, 200 um mesh
6B3 - 61 cm diameter Bongo, 335 um mesh
text |
no_bcodmo_term |
count_flag |
Counting method flag. Default = none.
none = not sorted at present time
all = All species/taxa enumerated
Top_Five =
Cal_only = only Calanus spp. counted
stemple = subsampled with Henson-Stemple pipette. (Only Calanus finmarchicus counted.)
text |
no_bcodmo_term |
stage |
Taxon stage:
m3_fem = copepod females.
m3_mal = copepod males.
m3_cop = Total Copepodites.
m3_c1 = Copepodite stage 1 (C1).
m3_c2 = Copepodite stage 2 (C2).
m3_c3 = Copepodite stage 3 (C3).
m3_c4 = Copepodite stage 4 (C4).
m3_c5 = Copepodite stage 5 (C5).
m3_npl = Total Nauplii (N1-N6).
m3_n1 = Nauplius stage 1 (N1).
m3_n2 = Nauplius stage 2 (N2).
m3_n3 = Nauplius stage 3 (N3).
m3_n4 = Nauplius stage 4 (N4).
m3_n5 = Nauplius stage 5 (N5).
m3_n6 =Nauplius stage 6 (N6).
m3_not = non-copepod taxa.
text |
stage |
station |
Consecutive station number during cruise.
text |
station |
station_std |
Standard Broad scale station number.
text |
station_std |
taxon |
Taxon name.
text |
taxon |
taxon_code |
Taxonomic Code. Ten digit number from NODC Taxonomic List, v. 8.
unitless |
taxon_code |
time_utc_end |
Time (UTC) at the end of the measurement.
time_end |
time_utc_begin |
Time (UTC) at the beginning of the measurement.
time_start |
tow |
Tow or haul number.
unitless |
tow |
vol_net |
Volume of water filtered by net, in cubic meters.
cubic meters |
vol_filt |
year_utc_end |
Year (UTC) at the end of the measurement.
year_end |
year_cruise_end |
4-digit year when cruise ended.
year_end |
year_cruise_begin |
4-digit year when cruise began.
year_start |
year_utc_begin |
Year (UTC) at the beginning of the measurement.
year_start |