/BCO/RISE/MOORINGS_SBE_TS --Deployment_Id eq RISE2005_RICE-- Level 1

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#  PI:   Dever
#  Ver:  20 December 2011
#  RICE Mooring - 2005
#  Water Temp and Salinity - Hourly - Date	Time	T01	S01	T05	S05	T20	S20
#  Water Temperature (deg C) and Salinity (unitless), Seabird SBE 16+ CTD
Year  Data_Type  Deployment_Id  Mooring_Name  Alternate_Mooring_Name  Lon           Lat           Depth_Mooring  Start_Date  Start_Time  End_Date   End_Time  Dataset_Id                        
2005  SBE_TS     RISE2005_RICE  RICE          RC                      -124.19540    46.16667      72             20050521    0000        20050820   1200      RC2005_05_21-2005_08_20_SBE_TS    
DATE      TIME    T01     S01     T05     S05     T20     S20     
20050521  010000  13.513  30.530  13.287  30.955  13.179  31.151  
20050521  020000  13.477  30.620  13.312  30.990  13.165  31.191  
20050521  030000  13.418  30.762  13.400  30.823  13.095  31.297  
20050521  040000  13.417  30.799  13.421  30.805  13.047  31.353  
20050521  050000  13.390  30.763  13.396  30.776  13.029  31.407  
20050521  060000  13.301  30.748  13.307  30.753  12.870  31.462  
20050521  070000  13.306  30.867  13.311  30.867  12.979  31.245  
20050521  080000  13.321  30.927  13.326  30.926  13.197  31.106  
20050521  090000  13.287  30.819  13.295  30.831  13.271  30.989  
20050521  100000  13.277  30.699  13.303  30.746  13.342  30.955  
20050521  110000  13.388  30.550  13.406  30.576  13.428  31.004  
20050521  120000  13.410  30.318  13.490  30.404  13.436  31.012  
20050521  130000  13.402  30.206  13.459  30.290  13.433  31.069  
20050521  140000  13.449  30.174  13.472  30.273  13.394  31.111  
20050521  150000  13.465  30.188  13.479  30.641  13.343  31.145  
20050521  160000  13.516  30.300  13.496  30.655  13.333  31.167  
20050521  170000  13.560  30.366  13.528  30.543  13.349  31.182  
20050521  180000  13.525  30.169  13.509  30.488  13.394  31.198  
20050521  190000  13.570  30.066  13.507  30.666  13.421  31.275  
20050521  200000  13.528  30.147  13.487  30.863  13.446  31.239  
                [ ... truncating listing here]
                Full data listing