/BCO/Fukushima/hydrocast_Cs ---- Level 0

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 - At level 0 -  Level 1 (of 1)      Flat list

#  version  17 December 2012
#  PI: Ken Buesseler
#  project:  Fukushima Radiation in the Pacific
#  bottle samples of Cs134, Cs137Cs, and Cs134/Cs137 ratios
#   merged with calibrated CTD measurements at sample depths
sta  cast  date      time  date_local  time_local  latitude  longitude  event       
1    2     20110606  1304  20110606    2204        33.982    146.952    11157_2204  
3    5     20110607  0548  20110607    1448        34.998    147.001    11158_1448  
3    6     20110607  1110  20110607    2010        34.825    147.119    11158_2010  
5    8     20110608  0353  20110608    1253        35.992    147.025    11159_1253  
6    9     20110608  0955  20110608    1855        36.499    147.005    11159_1855  
7    10    20110608  1545  20110609    0045        37.003    147.000    11160_0045  
9    12    20110609  0425  20110609    1325        37.985    147.019    11160_1325  
10   13    20110609  2159  20110610    0659        38.002    144.000    11161_0659  
12   15    20110610  0908  20110610    1808        36.999    144.000    11161_1808  
13   16    20110610  1512  20110611    0012        36.487    144.024    11162_0012  
14   17    20110610  2044  20110611    0544        35.997    144.005    11162_0544  
17   18    20110611  1943  20110612    0443        36.500    143.000    11163_0443  
19   20    20110612  0715  20110612    1615        37.494    142.998    11163_1615  
19   21    20110612  1235  20110612    2135        37.545    142.957    11163_2135  
21   23    20110613  0050  20110613    0950        37.501    142.502    11164_0950  
21   25    20110613  0842  20110613    1742        37.498    142.505    11164_1742  
23   27    20110613  2101  20110614    0601        37.481    142.005    11165_0601  
23   28    20110614  0303  20110614    1203        37.484    142.002    11165_1203  
24   29    20110614  0744  20110614    1644        38.001    141.998    11165_1644  
25   30    20110614  1909  20110615    0409        37.520    141.446    11166_0409  
25   31    20110615  0200  20110615    1100        37.520    141.443    11166_1100  
26   33    20110615  0708  20110615    1608        36.998    141.400    11166_1608  
27   34    20110615  1200  20110615    2100        36.501    141.400    11166_2100  
27   35    20110615  2017  20110616    0517        36.499    141.401    11167_0517  
29   37    20110616  0923  20110616    1823        36.499    142.003    11167_1823  
29   38    20110616  2030  20110617    0530        36.491    142.079    11168_0530  
30   39    20110617  0137  20110617    1037        36.499    142.495    11168_1037  
31   40    20110617  0713  20110617    1613        36.999    142.501    11168_1613  
32   41    20110617  1208  20110617    2108        36.998    142.000    11168_2108