/BCO/SeapHOx/MOORING_DATA --Mooring_Id eq A-- Level 1

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#  Temperature, Salinity, dissolved O2 and pH from SeapHOx Moorings
#  Version: 10 October 2013
#  PIs: Levin, Frieder, Martz
Mooring_Id  Site_Description      Latitude  Longitude   Start_Date  End_Date  
A           La_Jolla_Kelp_Forest  32.80861  -117.28891  20100729    20130331  
Deployment_No  Water_Depth  Sensor_ID  
D03            7            SP002      
D04            7            SP002      
D05            7            SP002      
D06            7            SP002      
D05            17           SP001      
D06            17           SP001      
D07            7            SP002      
D09            7            SP001      
D15            17           SP002