/BCO-DMO/Seal_Response_to_Prey/seal_location_tracking ---- Level 0

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# Locations of Harbor Seals tagged and tracked at the San Juan Islands, 2007-2009
# Lead PI: Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez
# Version: 28 Nov 2012
seal_id  pttno  inst   
89736    89736  Mk10   
89737    89737  Mk10   
89738    89738  Mk10   
89739    89739  Mk10   
92047    92047  Mk10   
B1720    76224  SPOT5  
B1723    76225  SPOT5  
B1742    35921  Mk10   
B1743    35925  SPOT5  
B1744    35922  Mk10   
B1745    35923  Mk10   
B1746    76227  SPOT5  
Y1459    76226  SPOT5  
Y1510    76223  SPOT5  
Y1513    35948  SPOT5  
Y1514    35947  SPOT5