/BCO/GEOTRACES/NorthAtlanticTransect/CTD_PUMP_SampleLogs_GT11 ---- Level 0

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# Version: 10 October 2012 
# PIs: Boyle, et al
# GT11/KN204-01 for parts A and B  PUMP Sample Logs (.pdf files)
#  Notes: No sample logs contributed for PUMP/SHALLOW Casts
#         'samplelog' link opens PDF.
# Changed cruise_id to cruise_part A or B, January 30, 2013
station_GEOTRC  cruise_part  cast_GEOTRC  event_GEOTRC  description                    type       date      time    ISO_DateTime_UTC         lat       lon        samplelog                                                                                                                 
1               A            3            3007          SampleLog_for_3007_PUMP_1_3    PUMP/DEEP  20111107  111300  2011-11-07T11:13:00.00Z  39.71055  -69.86452  3007_PUMP_1_3  
2               A            3            3021          SampleLog_for_3021_PUMP_2_3    PUMP/DEEP  20111109  040100  2011-11-09T04:01:00.00Z  39.35011  -69.54006  3021_PUMP_2_3  
3               A            7            3042          SampleLog_for_3042_PUMP_3_7    PUMP/DEEP  20111111  203000  2011-11-11T20:30:00.00Z  38.67330  -69.17122  3042_PUMP_3_7  
4               A            5            3047          SampleLog_for_3047_PUMP_4_5    PUMP/DEEP  20111113  110500  2011-11-13T11:05:00.00Z  38.34574  -68.86015  3047_PUMP_4_5  
6               A            4            3057          SampleLog_for_3057_PUMP_6_4    PUMP/DEEP  20111114  194200  2011-11-14T19:42:00.00Z  37.64793  -68.37716  3057_PUMP_6_4  
8               A            7            3070          SampleLog_for_3070_PUMP_8_7    PUMP/DEEP  20111117  122100  2011-11-17T12:21:00.00Z  35.42165  -66.53796  3070_PUMP_8_7  
10              B            7            3084          SampleLog_for_3084_PUMP_10_7   PUMP/DEEP  20111120  164100  2011-11-20T16:41:00.00Z  31.74569  -64.17471  3084_PUMP_10_7  
12              B            7            3118          SampleLog_for_3118_PUMP_12_7   PUMP/DEEP  20111124  040000  2011-11-24T04:00:00.00Z  29.70004  -56.81699  3118_PUMP_12_7  
14              B            7            3151          SampleLog_for_3151_PUMP_14_7   PUMP/DEEP  20111127  100000  2011-11-27T10:00:00.00Z  27.58305  -49.63300  3151_PUMP_14_7  
16              B            3            3170          SampleLog_for_3170_PUMP_16_3   PUMP/DEEP  20111129  061800  2011-11-29T06:18:00.00Z  26.13685  -44.82622  3170_PUMP_16_3  
18              B            7            3205          SampleLog_for_3205_PUMP_18_7   PUMP/DEEP  20111202  124100  2011-12-02T12:41:00.00Z  24.15000  -40.21704  3205_PUMP_18_7  
20              B            7            3229          SampleLog_for_3229_PUMP_20_7   PUMP/DEEP  20111204  205700  2011-12-04T20:57:00.00Z  22.37531  -35.86765  3229_PUMP_20_7  
22              B            7            3255          SampleLog_for_3255_PUMP_22_7   PUMP/DEEP  20111208  062100  2011-12-08T06:21:00.00Z  19.43299  -29.38301  3255_PUMP_22_7  
24              B            7            3282          SampleLog_for_3282_PUMP_24_7   PUMP/DEEP  20111210  120300  2011-12-10T12:03:00.00Z  17.39993  -24.50003  3282_PUMP_24_7