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# Mysidacea species recorded during the International Indian Ocean 
#  Expedition, 1962-65.
# PI: Vijaya Nair
# Version: 28 Dec 2012
station  lat     lon     date_local  month_local  day_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  reference  ISO_DateTime_Local      
5002B    20.32   38.35   16/6/1963   06           16         1950        N               1997     621        1963-06-16T19:50:00.00  
5009     15.17   52.53   26/6/1963   06           26         0743        D               2458     622        1963-06-26T07:43:00.00  
5012     14.75   52.78   27/6/1963   06           27         0035        N               2040     624        1963-06-27T00:35:00.00  
5014     14.25   53.26   27/6/1963   06           27         1157        D               2646     625        1963-06-27T11:57:00.00  
5016     13.07   53.50   28/6/1963   06           28         0245        N               2787     626        1963-06-28T02:45:00.00  
5018     12.83   53.87   28/6/1963   06           28         1546        D               1584     628        1963-06-28T15:46:00.00  
5028     16.17   54.38   1/7/1963    07           01         0728        D               2780     631        1963-07-01T07:28:00.00  
5031     15.43   54.77   1/7/1963    07           01         2321        N               3038     633        1963-07-01T23:21:00.00  
5037     17.47   57.05   5/7/1963    07           05         1400        D               1470     635        1963-07-05T14:00:00.00  
5056     17.20   60.08   12/7/1963   07           12         1955        N               3937     648        1963-07-12T19:55:00.00  
5057     16.75   60.52   13/7/1963   07           13         0723        D               3994     649        1963-07-13T07:23:00.00  
5069     19.57   61.23   17/7/1963   07           17         2246        N               3638     657        1963-07-17T22:46:00.00  
5094     15.75   53.18   17/8/1963   08           17         0242        N               2385     660        1963-08-17T02:42:00.00