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# Mysidacea species recorded during the International Indian Ocean 
#  Expedition, 1962-65.
# PI: Vijaya Nair
# Version: 28 Dec 2012
station  lat     lon     date_local  month_local  day_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  reference  ISO_DateTime_Local      
570      16.00   84.03   28/1/1965   01           28         2020        N               2654     1189       1965-01-28T20:20:00.00  
571      16.45   82.03   28/1/1965   01           28         0418        N               2068     1190       1965-01-28T04:18:00.00  
572      16.52   82.88   29/1/1965   01           29         0745        D               1427     1191       1965-01-29T07:45:00.00  
574      16.13   81.85   29/1/1965   01           29         1612        D               210      1193       1965-01-29T16:12:00.00  
579      15.00   81.02   30/1/1965   01           30         0958        D               1830     1196       1965-01-30T09:58:00.00  
580      15.00   82.00   30/1/1965   01           30         1731        D               2379     1197       1965-01-30T17:31:00.00  
581      15.02   82.95   31/1/1965   01           31         0126        N               2745     1198       1965-01-31T01:26:00.00  
585      12.68   82.70   31/1/1965   01           31         1613        D               2928     1199       1965-01-31T16:13:00.00  
586      12.65   81.90   31/1/1965   01           31         2207        N               2928     1200       1965-01-31T22:07:00.00  
587      12.82   85.00   1/2/1965    02           01         0558        N               1190     1201       1965-02-01T05:58:00.00  
588      12.92   80.62   1/2/1965    02           01         0845        D               183      1202       1965-02-01T08:45:00.00  
595      11.03   81.02   2/2/1965    02           02         0622        N               3020     1205       1965-02-02T06:22:00.00  
597      11.03   82.98   2/2/1965    02           02         2142        N               3020     1207       1965-02-02T21:42:00.00  
609      6.15    79.83   5/2/1965    02           05         0028        N               238      1212       1965-02-05T00:28:00.00