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# Mysidacea species recorded during the International Indian Ocean 
#  Expedition, 1962-65.
# PI: Vijaya Nair
# Version: 28 Dec 2012
station  lat     lon     date_local  month_local  day_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  reference  ISO_DateTime_Local      
146      -31.25  32.60   12/1/1963   01           12         1100        D               2400     1527       1963-01-12T11:00:00.00  
150      -34.15  38.67   14/1/1963   01           14         1240        N               5000     1531       1963-01-14T12:40:00.00  
151      -36.88  35.20   15/1/1963   01           15         0045        N               5000     1532       1963-01-15T00:45:00.00  
157      -32.75  29.03   17/1/1963   01           17         0420        N               3000     1536       1963-01-17T04:20:00.00  
160      -34.07  25.68   21/1/1963   01           21         0925        D               80       1539       1963-01-21T09:25:00.00  
161      -34.35  26.35   21/1/1963   01           21         1250        D               180      1540       1963-01-21T12:50:00.00  
162      -34.93  26.83   21/1/1963   01           21         1830        D               4000     1541       1963-01-21T18:30:00.00  
163      -35.23  27.68   22/1/1963   01           22         0215        N               4000     1542       1963-01-22T02:15:00.00  
164      -35.85  28.45   22/1/1963   01           22         1000        D               4200     1543       1963-01-22T10:00:00.00  
165      -37.25  28.98   22/1/1963   01           22         2200        N               4000     1544       1963-01-22T22:00:00.00  
166      -38.15  29.82   23/1/1963   01           23         0500        N               4000     1545       1963-01-23T05:00:00.00