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# Mysidacea species recorded during the International Indian Ocean 
#  Expedition, 1962-65.
# PI: Vijaya Nair
# Version: 28 Dec 2012
station  lat     lon     date_local  month_local  day_local  time_local  day_night_flag  depth_w  reference  ISO_DateTime_Local      
1800     18.50   71.50   13/5/1963   05           13         1335        D               84       1789       1963-05-13T13:35:00.00  
1804     18.50   70.43   13/5/1963   05           13         2120        N               500      1793       1963-05-13T21:20:00.00  
1805     18.50   70.23   13/5/1963   05           13         2330        N               1250     1794       1963-05-13T23:30:00.00  
1806     18.50   70.00   14/5/1963   05           14         0445        N               1250     1795       1963-05-14T04:45:00.00  
1809     16.92   72.00   14/5/1963   05           14         0000        N               185      1798       1963-05-14T00:00:00.00  
1810     16.87   72.23   15/5/1963   05           15         0200        N               85       1799       1963-05-15T02:00:00.00  
1811     16.82   72.48   15/5/1963   05           15         0405        N               70       1800       1963-05-15T04:05:00.00