/BCO/GEOTRACES/NorthAtlanticTransect/Hg_filt_joined --cruise_id eq KN199-04-- Level 1

      Directory  DocumentationPlotting and Other Operations...

        Level 0 Level 2 (of 2)      Flat list

#  version: 2017-04-11 [corrected sample_GEOTRC 6871 and 6991]
#  	replaces version: 18 January 2013
#  PI: C. Lamborg (WHOI), C. Hammerschmidt (Wright State University)
#  Mercury speciation profiles 
#  across the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Section
cruise_id  cruise_part  
KN199-04   nd           
sta  station_GEOTRC  
1    1               
2    nd              
2    2               
3    3               
5    5               
6    6               
7    7               
8    8               
9    9               
10   10              
11   11              
12   12