/BCO/GEOTRACES/NorthAtlanticTransect/Fe-Zn-Mn-Cd-Cu_GT10-11 --cruise_id eq KN199-04-- Level 1

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        Level 0 Level 2 (of 2)      Flat list

#  Trace element concentrations
#   GeoTraces 2010 and 2011
#   Jingweng Wu, P.I.
#     all concentrations in nM except
#      Cd in pM
cruise_name      cruise_id  
GEOTRACES2010    KN199-04   
station  lat_nom   lon_nom     lat_chsci  lon_chsci  lat       lon  
1        38.3261   -9.6602     38.325     -9.66      38.3241   -9.6601  
3        35.2013   -15.9999    35.2       16         35.2013   -16.0032   
5        31.0038   -22.0018    31         -22        31.0021   -21.9998   
7        24.0017   -21.9981    24         -22        24.0001   -22.0001   
9        17.3541   -18.2522    17.35      -18.25     17.3502   -18.254  
10       17.3526   -20.8221    17.35      -20.817    17.3515   -20.8164   
11       17.3512   -22.7837    17.35      -22.783    17.3521   -22.7837   
12       17.4019   -24.498     17.4       -24.5      17.3998   -24.4998