/BCO/GoMX-N2_Fixation/EventLogs --CruiseId eq EN496-- Level 1

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#  Version: 15 March 2013
#  PIs: Montoya, Villareal
#  Event Logs - All Cruises
Op_Number           Stn  Evt  Date_Local  Time_Local  ISO_DateTime_UTC          Latitude_Deg_N  Latitude_Min_N  Longitude_Deg_W  Longitude_Min_W  Latitude  Longitude  Lease_Block         Operation               Seq_Number  Notes                                                                                                                                                                       
Dep Gulfport        nd   nd   20110702    0900        2011-07-02T14:00:00.00Z   29              13.5020         87               41.6120          29.22503  -87.69353  nd                  nd                      nd          Z+5; enter W long as +                                                                                                                                                      
001.01              001  001  20110702    1955        2011-07-03T00:55:00.00Z   nd              nd              nd               nd               nd        nd         nd                  Shakedown Cast          001         transmittance anomalies                                                                                                                                                     
001.02              001  002  20110702    2000        2011-07-03T01:00:00.00Z   nd              nd              nd               nd               nd        nd         nd                  Surface net             001         Some Trx.                                                                                                                                                                   
002.01              002  001  20110703    0235        2011-07-03T07:35:00.00Z   28              42.3150         88               21.1900          28.70525  -88.35317  nd                  Deploy LOBO             001         Easy deployment                                                                                                                                                             
002.02              002  002  20110703    0908        2011-07-03T14:08:00.00Z   28              42.2440         88               21.2510          28.70407  -88.35418  nd                  CTD                     002         Deep cast                                                                                                                                                                   
02.Nets             002  nd   20110703    0000        2011-07-03T05:00:00.00Z   nd              nd              nd               nd               nd        nd         nd                  Hand nets               001         nets                                                                                                                                                                        
002.03              002  003  20110703    1140        2011-07-03T16:40:00.00Z   28              41.9190         88               22.2380          28.69865  -88.37063  nd                  Spectroradiometer       001         Spectroradiometer                                                                                                                                                           
002.04              002  004  20110703    1235        2011-07-03T17:35:00.00Z   28              41.7760         88               22.6590          28.69627  -88.37765  nd                  CTD                     003         Shallow cast                                                                                                                                                                
002.05              002  005  20110703    1612        2011-07-03T21:12:00.00Z   28              41.9390         88               21.4910          28.69898  -88.35818  nd                  Mocness                 001         late daytime moc; abort b/c of comm problem                                                                                                                                 
002.06              002  006  20110703    1950        2011-07-04T00:50:00.00Z   28              41.9720         88               20.3010          28.69953  -88.33835  nd                  Multicorer              001         7 cores; 2 clear water on top.  Flocculant layer on all; some with pteropods                                                                                                
003.01              003  001  20110704    0606        2011-07-04T11:06:00.00Z   28              50.9700         88               29.5880          28.84950  -88.49313  nd                  CTD                     004         Shallow experimental cast (N2-fixn)                                                                                                                                         
003.02              003  002  20110704    0905        2011-07-04T14:05:00.00Z   28              51.1060         88               29.8000          28.85177  -88.49667  nd                  CTD                     005         Shallow MOx                                                                                                                                                                 
003.03              003  003  20110704    1000        2011-07-04T15:00:00.00Z   28              50.9310         88               29.8910          28.84885  -88.49818  nd                  Spectroradiometer       002         nd                                                                                                                                                                          
003.04              003  004  20110704    1150        2011-07-04T16:50:00.00Z   28              50.4950         88               29.7160          28.84158  -88.49527  nd                  mocness                 002         Daytime moc to 500 m (0; 500; 400; 300; 200; 100; 50; 25; 0)                                                                                                                
003.05              003  005  20110704    1500        2011-07-04T20:00:00.00Z   29              5.0970          88               25.1570          29.08495  -88.41928  nd                  Multicorer              002         nd                                                                                                                                                                          
003.06              003  006  20110704    1638        2011-07-04T21:38:00.00Z   28              51.0700         88               29.6950          28.85117  -88.49492  nd                  CTD                     006         Deep cast                                                                                                                                                                   
003.07              003  007  20110704    2126        2011-07-05T02:26:00.00Z   28              50.8780         88               29.6510          28.84797  -88.49418  nd                  Multicorer              003         MC118 drop                                                                                                                                                                  
nd                  nd   nd   20110704    nd          nd                        nd              nd              nd               nd               nd        nd         nd                  Mocness                 nd          Nighttime moc to 500 m.  Scrubbed b/c of comms problems                                                                                                                     
003.08              003  008  20110705    0705        2011-07-05T12:05:00.00Z   28              51.1590         88               29.5080          28.85265  -88.49180  nd                  CTD                     007         Shallow experimental cast (N2-fixn)                                                                                                                                         
003.09              003  009  20110705    0945        2011-07-05T14:45:00.00Z   28              50.9400         88               29.4620          28.84900  -88.49103  nd                  CTD                     008         Shallow MOx cast.  Scrubbed b/c of sea cable problem                                                                                                                        
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