/BCO/GoMX-N2_Fixation/EventLogs --CruiseId eq EN509-- Level 1

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#  Version: 15 March 2013
#  PIs: Montoya, Villareal
#  Event Logs - All Cruises
Op_Number           Stn  Evt  Date_Local  Time_Local  ISO_DateTime_UTC          Latitude_Deg_N  Latitude_Min_N  Longitude_Deg_W  Longitude_Min_W  Latitude  Longitude  Lease_Block         Operation               Seq_Number  Notes                                                                                                                                                                       
Depart Gulfport     nd   nd   20120525    1100        2012-05-25T16:00:00.00Z   29              13.5020         87               41.6120          29.22503  -87.69353  nd                  nd                      nd          Depart 2h late b/c of generator problems                                                                                                                                    
001.01              001  001  20120525    2210        2012-05-26T03:10:00.00Z   29              13.0610         87               35.7150          29.21768  -87.59525  nd                  Deep CTD                001         Shakedown CTD after exiting the fairway                                                                                                                                     
002.01              002  001  20120526    0542        2012-05-26T10:42:00.00Z   28              51.3780         88               29.2400          28.85630  -88.48733  MC118               Deep CTD                002         Deep cast for geochemistry                                                                                                                                                  
002.02              002  002  20120526    0821        2012-05-26T13:21:00.00Z   28              51.0930         88               29.2790          28.85155  -88.48798  MC118               Multicorer              001         target SW crater.  890 m; 8 cores; 1 lost during sampling.                                                                                                                  
002.03              002  003  20120526    1140        2012-05-26T16:40:00.00Z   28              51.2240         88               28.8610          28.85373  -88.48102  MC118               Shallow CTD             003         Experimental cast.  NFix-01.  002.03-09 is a leaker.                                                                                                                        
002.04              002  004  20120526    1221        2012-05-26T17:21:00.00Z   28              51.0300         88               29.3600          28.85050  -88.48933  MC118               Shallow CTD             004         Genomics and microbiology cast                                                                                                                                              
002.05              002  005  20120526    1350        2012-05-26T18:50:00.00Z   28              51.1690         88               28.8710          28.85282  -88.48118  MC118               Mocness                 001         Daytime moc; winch freewheeled for a while during Net 4                                                                                                                     
003.01              003  001  20120526    2200        2012-05-27T03:00:00.00Z   28              08.1670         88               59.6880          28.13612  -88.99480  MARS/URSA           Shallow CTD             005         metas cast                                                                                                                                                                  
003.02              003  002  20120527    0032        2012-05-27T05:32:00.00Z   28              08.1350         88               57.9200          28.13558  -88.96533  nd                  Mocness                 002         midnight moc                                                                                                                                                                
003.03              003  003  20120527    0510        2012-05-27T10:10:00.00Z   28              08.0890         88               59.7590          28.13482  -88.99598  nd                  Multicorer              002         1279m; 8 cores; 1 disturbed.                                                                                                                                                
003.04              003  004  20120527    0907        2012-05-27T14:07:00.00Z   28              08.1790         88               59.4650          28.13632  -88.99108  nd                  Shallow CTD             006         Experimental cast.  NFix-02                                                                                                                                                 
003.05              003  005  20120527    1132        2012-05-27T16:32:00.00Z   28              08.1100         88               59.6910          28.13517  -88.99485  nd                  Deep CTD                007         Deep cast for geochemistry                                                                                                                                                  
003.06              003  006  20120527    1314        2012-05-27T18:14:00.00Z   28              07.9020         88               59.9660          28.13170  -88.99943  nd                  Mocness                 003         Daytime moc                                                                                                                                                                 
003.07              003  007  20120527    1650        2012-05-27T21:50:00.00Z   28              21.7800         89               04.1690          28.36300  -89.06948  nd                  Ring Net                001         Trx tow for Ellen                                                                                                                                                           
003.08              003  008  20120527    1815        2012-05-27T23:15:00.00Z   28              06.8670         89               04.4780          28.11445  -89.07463  nd                  LOBO out                001         Deploy LOBO                                                                                                                                                                 
004.01              004  001  20120528    0420        2012-05-28T09:20:00.00Z   27              22.0000         90               34.4570          27.36667  -90.57428  GC600               Multicorer              003         Nominal position is 500m west of the lander; 1226 m; 8 cores; 1 desturbed.                                                                                                  
004.02              004  002  20120528    0719        2012-05-28T12:19:00.00Z   27              21.7520         90               33.8360          27.36253  -90.56393  GC600               Shallow CTD             008         Rates; PN.  NFix-04.                                                                                                                                                        
004.03              004  003  20120528    0926        2012-05-28T14:26:00.00Z   27              21.7680         90               33.7810          27.36280  -90.56302  GC600               Shallow CTD             009         Metagenomics                                                                                                                                                                
004.04              004  004  20120528    1036        2012-05-28T15:36:00.00Z   27              21.7750         90               33.9160          27.36292  -90.56527  GC600               Mocness                 004         Datytime moc                                                                                                                                                                
004.05              004  005  20120528    1454        2012-05-28T19:54:00.00Z   27              21.6700         90               34.5110          27.36117  -90.57518  GC600               Deep CTD                010         PN; nutrients; geochemistry.  004.05-07 is a leaker.                                                                                                                        
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