/BCO/GoMX-N2_Fixation/EventLogs --CruiseId eq EN510-- Level 1

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#  Version: 15 March 2013
#  PIs: Montoya, Villareal
#  Event Logs - All Cruises
Op_Number           Stn  Evt  Date_Local  Time_Local  ISO_DateTime_UTC          Latitude_Deg_N  Latitude_Min_N  Longitude_Deg_W  Longitude_Min_W  Latitude  Longitude  Lease_Block         Operation               Seq_Number  Notes                                                                                                                                                                       
Depart Gulfport     nd   nd   20120624    0900        2012-06-24T14:00:00.00Z   29              13.502          87               41.612           29.2250   -87.6935   nd                  nd                      nd          Depart 1d late; relocate to Pascagoula b/c of wx                                                                                                                            
Arrive Pascagoula   nd   nd   20120624    1400        2012-06-24T19:00:00.00Z   30              20.380          88               34.567           30.3397   -88.5761   nd                  nd                      nd          Waiting out Tropical Storm Debby                                                                                                                                            
Depart Pascagoula   nd   nd   20120625    1400        2012-06-25T19:00:00.00Z   30              20.380          88               34.567           30.3397   -88.5761   nd                  nd                      nd          lost ~ 2 days to TS Debby                                                                                                                                                   
001.01              001  001  20120626    0104        2012-06-26T06:04:00.00Z   28              44.830          88               23.460           28.7472   -88.3910   OC26                Deep CTD                001         Lobo calibration cast plus water for Ziervogel                                                                                                                              
001.02              001  002  20120626    0800        2012-06-26T13:00:00.00Z   28              40.780          88               21.680           28.6797   -88.3613   nd                  Deploy mooring          001         New Uta spot.  Bridge log entries:  0637 - start mooring 28˚40.2'N  088˚23.5'W                                                                                            
001.03              001  003  20120626    0847        2012-06-26T13:47:00.00Z   28              40.225          88               22.482           28.6704   -88.3747   nd                  Deploy Lobo             001         Lobo away                                                                                                                                                                   
002.01              002  001  20120626    2234        2012-06-27T03:34:00.00Z   27              21.958          90               34.300           27.3660   -90.5717   GC600               Deploy trap             001         floating sediment trap (approx location)                                                                                                                                    
002.02              002  002  20120626    2258        2012-06-27T03:58:00.00Z   27              22.323          90               34.611           27.3721   -90.5769   nd                  Mocness                 001         Nighttime moc (1000 m)                                                                                                                                                      
002.03              002  003  20120627    0400        2012-06-27T09:00:00.00Z   27              22.010          90               33.358           27.3668   -90.5560   nd                  CHIRP survey            001         one potential bubble plume at Lenin's chin.  CHIRP Survey waypoints                                                                                                         
002.04              002  004  20120627    0910        2012-06-27T14:10:00.00Z   27              21.810          90               34.670           27.3635   -90.5778   nd                  Shallow CTD             002         Lenin site.  NF-biomass.  NFix-01.                                                                                                                                          
002.05              002  005  20120627    1110        2012-06-27T16:10:00.00Z   27              21.664          90               34.018           27.3611   -90.5670   nd                  Shallow CTD             003         Lenin site.  MOx; etc.                                                                                                                                                      
002.06              002  006  20120627    1224        2012-06-27T17:24:00.00Z   27              21.763          90               35.182           27.3627   -90.5864   nd                  Mocness                 002         Daytime moc (1000 m)                                                                                                                                                        
002.07              002  007  20120627    1633        2012-06-27T21:33:00.00Z   27              21.750          90               34.798           27.3625   -90.5800   nd                  Deep CTD                004         Lenin site; experimental                                                                                                                                                    
002.08              002  008  20120627    0000        2012-06-27T05:00:00.00Z   nd              nd              nd               nd               nd        nd         nd                  Multicorer              001         Lenin site; good cores; no oil                                                                                                                                              
002.09              002  009  20120627    2230        2012-06-28T03:30:00.00Z   27              22.818          90               35.478           27.3803   -90.5913   nd                  Mocness                 003         Nighttime moc (500 m)                                                                                                                                                       
002.10              002  010  20120628    0000        2012-06-28T05:00:00.00Z   nd              nd              nd               nd               nd        nd         nd                  Pump sampling           001         For JCVI metagenomics sample                                                                                                                                                
002.11              002  011  20120628    1009        2012-06-28T15:09:00.00Z   27              21.655          90               34.734           27.3609   -90.5789   nd                  Deep CTD                005         combo nitrification + NAE                                                                                                                                                   
002.12              002  012  20120628    0000        2012-06-28T05:00:00.00Z   nd              nd              nd               nd               nd        nd         nd                  CHIRP survey            002         N-S search                                                                                                                                                                  
002.13              002  013  20120628    1230        2012-06-28T17:30:00.00Z   27              22.420          90               32.935           27.3737   -90.5489   nd                  Bucket sample           001         oil slick                                                                                                                                                                   
002.14              002  014  20120628    1300        2012-06-28T18:00:00.00Z   27              21.854          90               34.036           27.3642   -90.5673   nd                  Bucket sample           002         non-slick sample                                                                                                                                                            
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