/BCO/GoMX-N2_Fixation/CTD_Stations --CruiseId eq EN509-- Level 1

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#  Version: 22 March 2013
#  PI: Montoya
#  CTD Stations - All Cruises
Op_Number  Stn  Evt  Date_Local  Time_Local  ISO_DateTime_UTC          Latitude  Longitude  Lease_Block     Operation       Seq_Number  Notes                                                                                                                     BCO_DMO_Note      
001.01     001  001  20120525    2210        2012-05-26T03:10:00.00Z   29.21768  -87.59525  nd              Deep CTD        001         Shakedown CTD after exiting the fairway                                                                                   nd                
002.01     002  001  20120526    0542        2012-05-26T10:42:00.00Z   28.85630  -88.48733  MC118           Deep CTD        002         Deep cast for geochemistry                                                                                                nd                
002.03     002  003  20120526    1140        2012-05-26T16:40:00.00Z   28.85373  -88.48102  MC118           Shallow CTD     003         Experimental cast.  NFix-01.  002.03-09 is a leaker.                                                                      nd                
002.04     002  004  20120526    1221        2012-05-26T17:21:00.00Z   28.85050  -88.48933  MC118           Shallow CTD     004         Genomics and microbiology cast                                                                                            nd                
003.01     003  001  20120526    2200        2012-05-27T03:00:00.00Z   28.13612  -88.99480  MARS/URSA       Shallow CTD     005         metas cast                                                                                                                nd                
003.04     003  004  20120527    0907        2012-05-27T14:07:00.00Z   28.13632  -88.99108  nd              Shallow CTD     006         Experimental cast.  NFix-02                                                                                               nd                
003.05     003  005  20120527    1132        2012-05-27T16:32:00.00Z   28.13517  -88.99485  nd              Deep CTD        007         Deep cast for geochemistry                                                                                                nd                
004.02     004  002  20120528    0719        2012-05-28T12:19:00.00Z   27.36253  -90.56393  GC600           Shallow CTD     008         Rates; PN.  NFix-04.                                                                                                      nd                
004.03     004  003  20120528    0926        2012-05-28T14:26:00.00Z   27.36280  -90.56302  GC600           Shallow CTD     009         Metagenomics                                                                                                              nd                
004.05     004  005  20120528    1454        2012-05-28T19:54:00.00Z   27.36117  -90.57518  GC600           Deep CTD        010         PN; nutrients; geochemistry.  004.05-07 is a leaker.                                                                      nd                
005.01     005  001  20120529    0712        2012-05-29T12:12:00.00Z   26.00585  -92.36605  W chl feature   Shallow CTD     011         Rates.  NFix-05                                                                                                           nd                
005.02     005  002  20120529    0913        2012-05-29T14:13:00.00Z   26.00470  -95.51763  nd              Shallow CTD     012         Make up for misfired bottles on first cast.                                                                               nd                
005.04     005  004  20120529    1022        2012-05-29T15:22:00.00Z   26.00090  -92.32112  nd              Shallow CTD     013         Metagenomics; etc.                                                                                                        nd                
005.06     005  006  20120529    1645        2012-05-29T21:45:00.00Z   26.02535  -92.25243  nd              Deep CTD        014         PN; nutrients; geochem                                                                                                    nd                
005.10     005  010  20120530    0437        2012-05-30T09:37:00.00Z   26.09502  -92.11152  nd              Deep CTD        015         Metagenomics profile                                                                                                      nd                
005.11     005  011  20120530    0838        2012-05-30T13:38:00.00Z   26.11360  -92.06208  nd              Shallow CTD     016         Rates.  NFix-07                                                                                                           nd                
005.12     005  012  20120530    1028        2012-05-30T15:28:00.00Z   26.13567  -92.05485  nd              Deep CTD        017         PN; nutrients; geochem                                                                                                    nd                
005.15     005  015  20120530    1740        2012-05-30T22:40:00.00Z   26.04982  -92.00238  nd              Shallow CTD     018         Surface cast for NAE-01                                                                                                   nd                
006.01     006  001  20120531    1219        2012-05-31T17:19:00.00Z   26.47175  -94.77855  SW corner       Shallow CTD     019         Rates; NFix-08                                                                                                            nd                
006.03     006  003  20120531    1831        2012-05-31T23:31:00.00Z   26.47192  -94.77780  nd              Shallow CTD     020         Metagenomics; etc.                                                                                                        nd                
                [ ... truncating listing here]
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