/BCO/GEOTRACES/NorthAtlanticTransect/delta_13C_joined --cruise_id eq KN204-01-- Level 1

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# delta 13C (ratio of 13C:12C) from GT10 and GT11
# PI: Paul Quay (University of Washington)
# Version History: 
#   17 June 2014 = data updated/corrections made (current version)
#   04 April 2013 = original data submitted
# Note: Surface samples collected at stations through sample clean 
#       seawater feed have no cast and sample numbers.
cruise_id  cruise_name  
KN204-01   GT11         
station_GEOTRC  lat_nom   lon_nom    
1               39.7000   -69.8000   
2               39.3500   -69.5400   
3               38.8200   -69.2000   
4               38.3200   -68.8700   
6               37.6200   -68.3800   
8               35.4167   -66.5167   
10              31.9333   -64.7333   
12              29.7000   -56.8167   
14              27.5833   -49.6333   
16              26.1333   -44.8262   
18              24.1500   -40.2167   
20              22.3333   -35.8667   
22              19.4333   -29.3833   
24              17.3500   -24.1500