/BCO/GoME_Pteropods/TI668_eventlog ---- Level 0

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#   eventlog for TI-668
#   PI: A. Maas (WHOI)
#   Version: 20 Dec. 2013
#     replaces version: 20 Nov. 2013 (file date: 21 May 2013)
#  NOTE: Lat_corr and lon_corr were corrected to match along track data.
event       inst           cast  station  year  month_local  day_local  time_local  timediff  ISO_DateTime_UTC         se_flag  lat        lon         lat_corr  lon_corr  depth   depth_w  comments  
nd          depart P-town  nd    nd       2013  5            21         0700        4         2013-05-21T11:00:00.00Z  nd       nd         nd          nd        nd        nd      nd       nd        
TI_668.001  CTD            1     1        2013  5            21         1058        4         2013-05-21T14:58:00.00Z  start    42.6241    -69.3198    42.6353   -69.6010  291     295      Down 45 m/min up 50 m/min  
TI_668.002  CTD            1     1        2013  5            21         1123        4         2013-05-21T15:23:00.00Z  end      42.6241    -69.3198    42.6365   -69.6062  nd      nd       nd        
TI_668.003  CTD            2     1        2013  5            21         1144        4         2013-05-21T15:44:00.00Z  start    42.6241    -69.3084    42.6372   -69.6101  175     298      nd        
TI_668.004  CTD            2     1        2013  5            21         1207        4         2013-05-21T16:07:00.00Z  end      42.6241    -69.3084    42.6401   -69.6164  nd      nd       nd        
TI_668.005  VPR            1     1        2013  5            21         1227        4         2013-05-21T16:27:00.00Z  start    42.6241    -69.3084    42.6430   -69.6211  289     i        S1; strong angle 45 to left; releasing 290 m of wire  
TI_668.006  VPR            1     1        2013  5            21         1246        4         2013-05-21T16:46:00.00Z  end      42.6249    -69.3084    42.6456   -69.6256  nd      nd       nd        
TI_668.007  MOC.25         1     1        2013  5            21         1334        4         2013-05-21T17:34:00.00Z  start    42.6358    -69.2326    42.6135   -69.5748  nd      nd       failure early on in tow, bringing up, still preserving net 0, picked Pt. from jar 2  
TI_668.008  MOC.25         2     1        2013  5            21         1440        4         2013-05-21T18:40:00.00Z  start    42.6358    -69.2326    42.6299   -69.5976  nd      nd       LED OFF   
nd          Ship           nd    nd       2013  5            21         nd          4         nd                       end      nd         nd          nd        nd        nd      nd       return P-town  
nd          Ship           nd    nd       2013  5            22         nd          4         nd                       start    nd         nd          nd        nd        nd      nd       depart P-town  
TI_668.009  CTD            3     2        2013  5            22         nd          4         nd                       start    42.3223    -69.3361    nd        nd        255     259.5    nd        
TI_668.010  CTD            3     2        2013  5            22         1001        4         2013-05-22T14:01:00.00Z  end      42.3223    -69.3361    42.3343   -69.7855  nd      nd       nd        
TI_668.011  VPR            2     2        2013  5            22         1013        4         2013-05-22T14:13:00.00Z  start    42.3223    -69.3361    42.3342   -69.7866  255     258.5    S1; 30 m/min; 255 m of wire  
TI_668.012  VPR            2     2        2013  5            22         1033        4         2013-05-22T14:33:00.00Z  end      42.3223    -69.3361    42.3337   -69.7873  nd      nd       nd        
TI_668.013  MOC.25         3     2        2013  5            22         1104        4         2013-05-22T15:04:00.00Z  start    42.3223    -69.3361    42.3319   -69.7880  255     262      nd        
TI_668.014  MOC.25         3     2        2013  5            22         1223        4         2013-05-22T16:23:00.00Z  end      42.3223    -69.3361    42.3674   -69.7894  nd      nd       nd        
TI_668.015  Reeve          1     2        2013  5            22         1318        4         2013-05-22T17:18:00.00Z  start    42.3223    -69.3361    42.3159   -69.8498  30      nd       6 m/min in/out  
TI_668.016  Reeve          1     2        2013  5            22         nd          4         nd                       end      nd         nd          nd        nd        nd      nd       nd        
TI_668.017  Reeve          2     3        2013  5            22         1431        4         2013-05-22T18:31:00.00Z  start    42.3415    -69.6682    42.2326   -69.9867  nd      nd       nd        
TI_668.018  Reeve          2     3        2013  5            22         1448        4         2013-05-22T18:48:00.00Z  end      42.3415    -69.6682    42.2281   -69.9916  nd      nd       end flow-count 161823  
TI_668.019  CTD            4     4        2013  5            22         1509        4         2013-05-22T19:09:00.00Z  start    42.2009    -70.3516    42.2007   -70.0349  nd      136      nd        
TI_668.020  CTD            4     4        2013  5            22         1528        4         2013-05-22T19:28:00.00Z  end      42.2009    -70.3516    42.1986   -70.0356  nd      nd       nd        
TI_668.021  Ship           nd    nd       2013  5            22         nd          4         nd                       end      nd         nd          nd        nd        nd      nd       return P-town