/BCO/Hay_KillerSeaweed/extract_pal_Amphiroa ---- Level 0

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#   extract palatability--Amphiroa
#   M. Hay (GaTech)
#   version: 22 January 2014
#   NOTE: A single thallus was deployed as a caged control for each pair.
#      Hence, the same CAGED initial mass and CAGED final mass was used to  
#      calculate the correction factor for both treatment types within a pair.
lat  lon  date_begin  date_end  sample  Galaxaura_extract  mass_initial_Amphiroa_herb  mass_final_Amphiroa_herb  mass_initial_Amphiroa_cage  mass_final_Amphiroa_cage  mass_initial_Amphiroa_herb_corr  amt_consumed_g  amt_consumed_pcent  
-18.2175  177.7161  06/12/11    06/15/11  1       treatment_thalli   1.365                       0.625                     1.380                       1.325                     1.311                            0.686           52.312              
-18.2175  177.7161  06/12/11    06/15/11  1       control_thalli     1.455                       1.160                     1.380                       1.325                     1.397                            0.237           16.966              
-18.2175  177.7161  06/12/11    06/15/11  2       treatment_thalli   1.500                       0.845                     0.965                       1.000                     1.554                            0.709           45.638              
-18.2175  177.7161  06/12/11    06/15/11  2       control_thalli     1.420                       0.895                     0.965                       1.000                     1.472                            0.577           39.178              
-18.2175  177.7161  06/12/11    06/15/11  3       treatment_thalli   1.420                       0.400                     0.995                       0.965                     1.377                            0.977           70.955              
-18.2175  177.7161  06/12/11    06/15/11  3       control_thalli     1.445                       1.050                     0.995                       0.965                     1.401                            0.351           25.077              
-18.2175  177.7161  06/12/11    06/17/11  4       treatment_thalli   1.355                       0.480                     1.220                       1.210                     1.344                            0.864           64.283              
-18.2175  177.7161  06/12/11    06/17/11  4       control_thalli     1.320                       1.505                     1.220                       1.210                     1.309                            -0.196          -14.957             
-18.2175  177.7161  06/12/11    06/17/11  5       treatment_thalli   1.455                       0.455                     1.120                       1.200                     1.559                            1.104           70.813              
-18.2175  177.7161  06/12/11    06/17/11  5       control_thalli     1.455                       1.365                     1.120                       1.200                     1.559                            0.194           12.440