/test/ANACONDAS/ANACONDAS_MultiCoreSolid --Id_Year eq AN10_2010-- Level 1

      Directory  DocumentationPlotting and Other Operations...

        Level 0 Level 2 (of 2)      Flat list

#  Version: 06 February 2014
#  PIs: Berelson, Capone
#  Solid phase analysis of sediments obtained from multi cores
Station  Event_Number  Date_GMT  Time_GMT  Latitude   Longitude   
1        1.15          20100523  1520      11.575833  -56.793167  
5        5.01          20100528  0711      6.813363   -49.980970  
6        6.12          20100529  2050      6.823333   -47.633333  
7        7.06          20100531  0330      7.000743   -45.022793  
9        9.07          20100603  0000      5.931973   -50.734467  
19       19.08         20100611  0020      8.293333   -50.763333  
20       20.15         20100612  1409      10.003563  -49.970438  
21       21.16         20100613  1145      9.766667   -51.701667  
23       23.51         20100616  2130      10.614082  -54.395345  
25       25.23         20100618  1906      11.412415  -56.358528  
26       26.01         20100620  1050      11.800363  -54.206565  
27       27.19         20100621  1805      12.158555  -52.133483