/BCO/GEOTRACES/NorthAtlanticTransect/cellular_trace_elements_v2_joined --cruise_id eq KN199-05-- Level 1

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# Please note that data may not be final, pending intercalibration results and
# further analysis. If you are interested in following changes to US GEOTRACES
# NAT data, there is an RSS feed available via the BCO-DMO US GEOTRACES 
# project page.
#   GT10-11 - cellular element quotas
#   B. Twining (Bigelow)
#   version 2 (2015-02-17):  revised station 9 depths: sample 5636 from 50m to 28m and 5638 from 28m to 50m.
#                            replaces version 2015-02-10.
#   Sorted by cruise, station, grid#
cruise_id  project  
KN199-05   NAZT     
station_GEOTRC  sta_PI  lat      lon       cast_GEOTRC  event_GEOTRC  
nd              99      17.6857  -31.0857  nd           nd            
nd              153     21.5610  -61.5580  nd           nd