/BCO-DMO/NAtlDarkData/integrated_zoo --cruiseid eq KN98-- Level 1

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#  North Atlantic Rings Cruises
#    1972-1986
#    Integrated Euphausiid Abundance with 
#      Net tow, P.I.
#   version: n
#   P. Wiebeion: 2017-07-24 [co017-07-24 [corrected spelling of Nelat & lon; added OCded OC07 vol_filt, 07 vol_filt, disp_vol, abundances]
# 	replaces v. 2015-02-27
cruiseid  year  
KN98      1982  
tow  tow_type  month_local  day_local  time_local  ISODateTime_local         lat       lon       region                               depth_max  depth_mid  vol_filt  disp_vol_Mm3  integ_disp_vol  Carbon      depth_10degISO  dist_RiCntr  biomass_50  
218  MOC1D     10           6          2043        1982-10-06T20:43:00       39.882    -65.202   WCRing_82H_center                    1000       500        nd        43.7          nd              nd          727             42           222.2       
219  MOC1D     10           8          0728        1982-10-08T07:28:00       39.402    -65.315   WCRing_82H_center                    1000       500        nd        43.5          nd              nd          844             31           436.8       
225  MOC1D     10           14         2100        1982-10-14T21:00:00       39.063    -67.853   Slope_Water                          1000       500        nd        70.8          nd              nd          250             248          219.8       
226  MOC1D     10           15         0753        1982-10-15T07:53:00       39.053    -68.14    Slope_Water                          1000       500        nd        72.4          nd              nd          245             272          374.7