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#   Eukaryote Pyrosequencing tags from Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basin (DHAB) sediments in the Mediterranean Sea
#    Related publication: Bernhard et al. (2014) doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00605
#   PIs:  Edgcomb (WHOI), Bernhard (WHOI)
#   Version History:
#     version 2: current dataset (BioSample URL added) - 2015-05-22
#     version 1: original dataset -  2015-03-19
seq_target              SRA         sample_location  cruise_id  lat      lon      project_id      BioSample_id  
Eukaryotic_V3_V4_rRNA   SRP049010   Discovery        AT18-14    35.2859  21.7052  PRJNA264175     SAMN03114895  
Eukaryotic_V3_V4_rRNA   SRP049010   Urania           AT18-14    35.2296  21.4821  PRJNA264175     SAMN03114895  
Eukaryotic_V3_V4_rRNA   SRP049010   LAtalante        AT18-14    35.3145  21.4057  PRJNA264175     SAMN03114895