biomimic |
Type of biomimic or logger.
text |
no_bcodmo_term |
country |
Country name.
text |
site |
state_province |
State/province name.
text |
site |
site_id |
6-character site identification code (where the first two characters indicate the country, the next two characters indicate the state/province, and the last two characters represent the site).
text |
Site_ID |
site_name |
Name of the site.
text |
site |
latitude |
Latitude of the site.
decimal degrees |
lat |
longitude |
Longitude of the site.
decimal degrees |
lon |
zone |
Zone of the beach. Possible values: 0m, 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 14m, 20m, 30m, 40m, low, mid high.
text |
site_descrip |
sub_zone |
Sub-zone of the beach. Possible values: backreef, lagoon, forereef, low, low mid, mid, high mid, high, terr.
text |
site_descrip |
wave_exp |
Wave exposure (exposed or protected).
text |
site_descrip |
microsite_id |
Microsite identification number (where the first four characters indicate the type of logger, and the next six characters are the site_id). Logger type codes:
ABAP = Air Pressure (atm)
ABAT = Air Temperature (degrees C)
ABDP = Dew Point (degrees C)
ABGS = Gust Speed (mph)
ABPL = Water Pressure (atm)
ABRA = Precipitation (inches)
ABRH = Relative Humidity (%)
ABSR = Solar Radiation (W/m^2)
ABWD = Wind Direction (degrees)
ABWS = Wind Speed (mph)
ABWT = Water Temperature (degrees C)
BMRB = robobarnacle body temperature (degrees C)
BMRC = robocoral body temperature (degrees C)
BMRM = robomussel body temperature (degrees C)
BMRO = robooyster body temperature (degrees C)
BMRS = roboseastar body temperature (degrees C)
BMRT = robotidepool body temperature (degrees C)
text |
Site_ID |
organism |
Organism related to the biomimic, or the type of logger.
unitless |
taxon |
filedate |
4-digit year and month name of the data file.
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
data_description |
Type of data (and units) reported from the biomimic or logger. (e.g. Air_Pressure_mbar, Air_Temp_C, DewPt_C, Gust_speed_m/s, Rain_mm, R_Humidity_%, Temp_C)
unitless |
brief_desc |
date |
Year, month, and day of when the value was recorded (GMT time) in YYYY-mm-dd format.
unitless |
date |
time |
Time, in hours and minutes, when the value was recorded (GMT time) in HH:MM format.
unitless |
time |
value |
Value of the data reported; data type and units is dependent on logger type. Refer to 'data_description' for type of data and units.
refer to data_description |
no_bcodmo_term |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date and time (UTC) formatted to the ISO 8601 standard in YYYY-mmddTHH:MM:SS.xxZ format.
yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |