/BCO/GreatCalciteBelt/Incubation_Experiments --CruiseId eq RR1202-- Level 1

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#  Great Calcite Belt
#  Incubation Experiments
#  Version: 17 June 2015
#  PIs: Twining and Balch
Station_Number  Local_Date  Latitude  Longitude  Depth  Temperature  Experiment_No  
5               20120221    -37.0737  39.4915    20     21.0         5              
36              20120228    -46.8279  58.2775    20     8.7          6              
73              20120307    -59.7122  77.7458    20     1.1          7              
100             20120314    -44.6167  100.4986   20     13.0         8