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#   Kaneohe Bay microzooplankton grazing experiment: growth and mortality
#   E. Goetze (UH-SOEST)
#   version: 2016-02-01
KBG_expt  date_local  lat      lon        chla_init  growth_init  mortality  r_squared  growth_nuts  comment  
1         2012-03-16  21.4322  -157.7797  1.15       nd           nd         nd         nd           chla_init is sum of Chl-a and phaeopigment due to chla degradation  
2         2012-03-30  21.4322  -157.7797  0.71       nd           nd         nd         nd           chla_init is sum of Chl-a and phaeopigment due to chla degradation  
3         2012-08-05  21.4322  -157.7797  0.38       0.25         0.26       0.14       0.47         nd       
4         2012-08-08  21.4322  -157.7797  0.52       -0.75        0.03       0.003      0.51         nd       
5         2013-05-27  21.4322  -157.7797  0.37       -0.06        1.14       0.85       0.75         nd       
6         2013-05-29  21.4322  -157.7797  0.31       0.78         0.59       0.84       1.52         nd       
7         2013-05-31  21.4322  -157.7797  0.27       -0.11        0.18       0.16       0.96         nd       
8         2013-06-03  21.4322  -157.7797  0.88       -0.32        0.64       0.75       0.9          nd       
9         2013-06-05  21.4322  -157.7797  0.95       0            0.39       0.88       0.82         nd